
Book NoBook TitleBook CategoryBook RackBook AuthorBook DepartmentEditionPublisherNo of CopiesPricePurchased DateShelf NoBill No. DDC No.Category No.
1Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.1) (A to B)Encyclopedia15mReference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030148 E
2Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.2) (C)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030149 E
3Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.3) (D to E )Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030150 E
4Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.4) (F to G)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030151 E
5Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.5) (H to J)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030152 E
6Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.6) (J to L)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030153 E
7Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.5) (H to J)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030154 E
8Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.8) (M to P)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030155 E
9Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.9) (P to S)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030156 E
10Encyclopaedia of the world scientists (Vol.10) (S to Z)Encyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2004New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012298793:030157 E
11International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance vol. 2 Ed. 13Encyclopedia16NAReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17500.0021-8-2012198793:03010 E
12International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance vol. 3 Ed. 13Encyclopedia16NAReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17500.0021-8-2012198793:03011 E
13International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance vol. 4 Ed. 13Encyclopedia16NAReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17500.0021-8-2012198793:03012 E
14International Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance vol. 5 Ed. 13Encyclopedia16NAReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17500.0021-8-2012198793:03013 E
15Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations : A country - by - country guide vol. 1Encyclopedia16Dennis ( Matthew), Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva19995.0021-8-2012198793:0301 E
16Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations : A country - by - country guide vol. 2Encyclopedia16Dennis ( Matthew), Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva19995.0021-8-2012198793:0302 E
17Encyclopedia of Holidays and Celebrations : A country - by - country guide vol. 3Encyclopedia16Dennis ( Matthew), Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva19995.0021-8-2012198793:0303 E
18Encyclopedia of Exploration : The Explorers Vol. 1Encyclopedia16Waldman & WexlerReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva14995.0021-8-2012198793:0304 E
19Encyclopedia of Exploration : Places, technologies, and cultural trends vol 2Encyclopedia16Waldman & WexlerReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva14995.0021-8-2012198793:0305 E
20Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Andhra Pradesh) vol 1Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03025 E
21Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Karnataka) vol 2Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03026 E
22Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Kerala) vol 3Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03027 E
23Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Tamilnadu ) vol 4Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03028 E
24Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Haryana) vol 5Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03029 E
25Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India ( Himachal Pradesh) vol 6Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03030 E
26Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Jammu & Kashmir) vol 7Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03031 E
27Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Punjab) vol 8Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03032 E
28Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Rajasthan) vol 9Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03033 E
29Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Madya Pradesh) vol 10Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03034 E
30Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Chhattisgarh) vol 11Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03035 E
31Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Uttar Pradesh) vol 12Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03036 E
32Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Uttarakhand) vol 13Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03037 E
33Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Goa) vol 14Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03038 E
34Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India ( Gujarat) vol 15Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03039 E
35Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Maharashtra) vol 16Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03040 E
36Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Bihar) vol 17Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03041 E
37Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Jharkhand) vol 18Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03042 E
38Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Orissa) vol 19Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03043 E
39Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India ( West Bengal) vol 20Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03044 E
40Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Arunachal Pradesh) vol 21Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03045 E
41Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Assam) vol 22Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03046 E
42Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Manipur) vol 23Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03047 E
43Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Meghalaya & Mizoram) vol 24Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03048 E
44Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Nagaland) vol 25Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03049 E
45Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Tripura) vol 26Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03050 E
46Encyclopedia of Art & Culture in India (Sikkim & U.T.) vol 27Encyclopedia16Bhargava ( Gopal )Reference Books2008Delhi : Isha1900.0021-8-2012298793:03051 E
47Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 1 (A to B)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030166 E
48Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 2 (B to C)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030167 E
49Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 3 (C to D)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030168 E
50Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 4 (E to G)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030169 E
51Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 5 (H to J)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030170 E
52Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 6 (K to M)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030171 E
53Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 7 (M to O)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030172 E
54Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 8 (P to R)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030173 E
55Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 9 (S to T)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030174 E
56Encyclopedia of the World Biography vol. 10 (T to Z)Encyclopedia15Srivastava (Kamal S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.0021-8-2012398793:030175 E
57Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol.1 A - BEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030158 E
58Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 2 C - DEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030159 E
59Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 3 E to HEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030160 E
60Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 4 I - KEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030161 E
61Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 5 L - NEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030162 E
62Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 6 O - REncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030163 E
63Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 7 SEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030164 E
64Encyclopaedia of the Indian Biography vol. 8 T - ZEncyclopedia15Singh (Nagendra Kr)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH12500.0021-8-2012298793:030165 E
65Encyclopaedia of World Environment vol 1. EcologyEncyclopedia16Trivedi (P.R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11000.0021-8-2012498793:030100 E
66Encyclopaedia of World Environment vol 2. EnvironmentEncyclopedia16Trivedi (P.R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11000.0021-8-2012498793:030 101 E
67Encyclopaedia of World Environment vol 3. Wild LifeEncyclopedia16Trivedi (P.R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11000.0021-8-2012498793:030102 E
68Encyclopaedia of World Environment vol 4. PollutionEncyclopedia16Trivedi (P.R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11000.0021-8-2012498793:030103 E
69Encyclopaedia of World Environment vol 5. Basic Environment LawsEncyclopedia16Trivedi (P.R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11000.0021-8-2012498793:030104 E
70Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations : Ethnic and National Groups Around the World Vol. 1 A - CEncyclopedia15Minahan, JamesReference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012298794:030144 E
71Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations : Ethnic and National Groups Around the World Vol. 2 D - KEncyclopedia15Minahan, JamesReference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012298794:030145 E
72Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations : Ethnic and National Groups Around the World Vol. 3 L - REncyclopedia15Minahan, JamesReference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012298794:030146 E
73Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations : Ethnic and National Groups Around the World Vol. 4 S - ZEncyclopedia15Minahan, JamesReference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012298794:030147 E
74Encyclopedia of Literature & Politics : Censorship , Revolution , and Writing vol 1 A - GEncyclopedia16Booker (M. Keith), Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498794:03089 E
75Encyclopedia of Literature & Politics : Censorship , Revolution , and Writing vol 2 H - REncyclopedia16Booker (M. Keith), Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498794:03087 E
76Encyclopedia of Literature & Politics : Censorship , Revolution , and Writing vol 3 S - ZEncyclopedia16Booker (M. Keith), Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498794:03088 E
77Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World vol 1 A - CEncyclopedia16Bogucki (Peter)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012198792:0306 E
78Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World vol 2 D - KEncyclopedia16Bogucki (Peter)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012198792:0307 E
79Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World vol 3 L - REncyclopedia16Bogucki (Peter)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012198792:0308 E
80Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World vol 4 S - ZEncyclopedia16Bogucki (Peter)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012198792:0309 E
81Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : Weather & ClimateEncyclopedia16Rittner (Don) Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03091 E
82Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : Marine ScientistsEncyclopedia16Charton (Barbara)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03097 E
83Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : Earth ScientistsEncyclopedia16Gates (Alexander E.)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03098 E
84Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : ChemistsEncyclopedia16Oakes (Elizabeth H.)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03093 E
85Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : STS ScientistsEncyclopedia16Oakes (Elizabeth H.)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03092 E
86Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : Computer ScientistsEncyclopedia16Henderson (Harry)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03096 E
87Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : PhysicistsEncyclopedia16Leiter, Darryl J.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03095 E
88Viva - Facts on File Encyclopedia of Notable Scientists : BiologistsEncyclopedia16Yount (Lisa)Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva17995.0021-8-2012498792:03094 E
89Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry vol. 1 A - CEncyclopedia16Gray (Jeffrey), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03078 E
90Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry vol. 2 D - GEncyclopedia16Gray (Jeffrey), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03079 E
91Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry vol. 3 H - LEncyclopedia16Gray (Jeffrey), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03080 E
92Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry vol. 4 M - REncyclopedia16Gray (Jeffrey), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03081 E
93Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry vol. 5 S - ZEncyclopedia16Gray (Jeffrey), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03082 E
94Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre vol. 1 A - N (Lost)Encyclopedia16Leiter (Samuel L.),Ed.Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:030141 E
95Encyclopedia of Asian Theatre vol. 2 O - ZEncyclopedia16Leiter (Samuel L.),Ed.Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498795:03090 E
96Encyclopedia of Wars vol. 1 A - FEncyclopedia16Phillips & AxelrodReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012498792:03084 E
97Encyclopedia of Wars vol. 2 G - REncyclopedia16Phillips & AxelrodReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012498792:03085 E
98Encyclopedia of Wars vol. 3 S - ZEncyclopedia16Phillips & AxelrodReference Books2010New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012498792:03086 E
99Encyclopedia of World Constitutions vol. 1 Afghanistan - FranceEncyclopedia16Robbers (Gerhard),Ed.Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012198792:03014 E
100Encyclopedia of World Constitutions vol. 2 Gabon - NorwayEncyclopedia16Robbers (Gerhard),Ed.Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012198792:03015 E
101Encyclopedia of World Constitutions vol. 3 Oman - ZimbabweEncyclopedia16Robbers (Gerhard),Ed.Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva16995.0021-8-2012198792:03016 E
102All Things Chaucer : An Encyclopedia of Chaucer's World vol. 1 A - JEncyclopedia15Rogers (Shannon L.)Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198794:030114 E
103All Things Chaucer : An Encyclopedia of Chaucer's World vol. 2 K - ZEncyclopedia15Rogers (Shannon L.)Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198794:030115 E
104Women in the Middle Ages : An Encyclopedia vol. 2 K - ZEncyclopedia15Wilson (Katharina M.),Ed.Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198789:030119 E
105Women in the Middle Ages : An Encyclopedia vol. 1 A - JEncyclopedia15Wilson (Katharina M.),Ed.Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198789:030118 E
106Encyclopedia of Archaeology : The Great Archaeologists vol 1Encyclopedia16Murray (Tim), Ed.Reference Books1999California : ABC-CLIO1x21- 8-2012398795:03059 E
107Encyclopedia of Archaeology : The Great Archaeologists vol 2Encyclopedia16Murray (Tim), Ed.Reference Books1999California : ABC-CLIO1x21- 8-2012398795:03060 E
108Encyclopedia of Women's Autobiography vol. 1 A - JEncyclopedia15Boynton & Malin , Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030116 E
109Encyclopedia of Women's Autobiography vol. 2 K - ZEncyclopedia15Boynton & Malin , Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030117 E
110Boy Culture : An Encyclopedia vol 1Encyclopedia15Steinberg (Shirley R.), Ed.Reference Books2010London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030133 E
111Boy Culture : An Encyclopedia vol 2Encyclopedia15Steinberg (Shirley R.), Ed.Reference Books2010London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030134 E
112Contemporary Youth Culture : An International Encyclopedia vol 1Encyclopedia15Steinberg (Shirley R.), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030131 E
113Contemporary Youth Culture : An International Encyclopedia vol 2Encyclopedia15Steinberg (Shirley R.), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198789:030132 E
114All Things Austen : An Encyclopedia of Austen's World vol. 1 A - LEncyclopedia15Olsen (Kirstin)Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198791:030112 E
115All Things Austen : An Encyclopedia of Austen's World vol. 2 M - ZEncyclopedia15Olsen (Kirstin)Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198791:030113 E
116Collins Encyclopedia of Military History 4th Ed.Encyclopedia16Dupuy & DupuyReference Books2007 : BCA1x21- 8-2012398785:03075 E
117Encyclopaedia of Christianity (Lost) (Lost)Encyclopedia16Bowden (John)Reference Books2005 : Oxford1x21- 8-2012198789:030 E
118Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : EuropeEncyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030124 E
119Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : Sub - Saharan AfricaEncyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030123 E
120Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : Central and South AmericaEncyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030126 E
121Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : Asia and OceaniaEncyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030125 E
122Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : North America and the Caribbean Encyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030127 E
123Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide : The Middle East and North AfricaEncyclopedia15Walter (Lynn) , Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21- 8-2012198793:030122 E
124Colonialism : An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia vol. 1 A - MEncyclopedia15Page (Melvin E.), Ed.Reference Books2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21- 8-2012198793:030128 E
125Colonialism : An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia vol. 2 N - ZEncyclopedia15Page (Melvin E.), Ed.Reference Books2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21- 8-2012198793:030129 E
126Colonialism : An International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia vol. 3 DocumentsEncyclopedia15Page (Melvin E.), Ed.Reference Books2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21- 8-2012198793:030130 E
127Encyclopedia of The Modern World 1900 to the Present vol 1 A - FEncyclopedia16Keylor (William R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva18995.0021- 8-2012198792:03017 E
128Encyclopedia of The Modern World 1900 to the Present vol 3 P - ZEncyclopedia16Keylor (William R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva1x21- 8-2012198792:03019 E
129Encyclopedia of The Modern World 1900 to the Present vol 2 G - OEncyclopedia16Keylor (William R.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : Viva1x21- 8-2012198792:03018 E
130Encyclopaedia of English Usage vol. 1 - The Art of SpeakingEncyclopedia16Rajamouly (Katta)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH1665.0021- 8-2012498793:030105 E
131Encyclopaedia of English Usage vol. 2 - Learn English Through ConversationEncyclopedia16Rajamouly (Katta)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH1665.0021- 8-2012498793:030106 E
132Encyclopaedia of English Usage vol. 3 - Dictionary of Grammatical and Literary TermsEncyclopedia16Rajamouly (Katta)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH1665.0021- 8-2012498793:030107 E
133Encyclopedia of The World's Nations and Cultures vol.1 : Afghanistan to Dominican RepublicEncyclopedia16Kurian (George Thomas),Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva110995.0021- 8-2012398792:03052 E
134Encyclopedia of The World's Nations and Cultures vol. 2 : East Timor to LuxembourgEncyclopedia16Kurian (George Thomas),Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva1x21- 8-2012398792:03053 E
135Encyclopedia of The World's Nations and Cultures vol. 3 : Macedonia to SingaporeEncyclopedia16Kurian (George Thomas),Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva1x21- 8-2012398792:03054 E
136Encyclopedia of The World's Nations and Cultures vol. 4 : Slovakia to ZimbabweEncyclopedia16Kurian (George Thomas),Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva1x21- 8-2012398792:03055 E
137Shakespeares after Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of the Bard in Mass Media and Popular Culture vol.1Encyclopedia16Burt (Richard),Ed.Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x0-Jan-00498792:03076 E
138Shakespeares after Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of the Bard in Mass Media and Popular Culture vol.2 (Lost)Encyclopedia16Burt (Richard),Ed.Reference Books2007London : Greenwood1x0-Jan-00498792:030 E
139All Things Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's World A - I vol. 1Encyclopedia15Olsen (Kirstin)Reference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198791:030120 E
140All Things Shakespeare : An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's World J - Z vol. 2Encyclopedia15Olsen (Kirstin)Reference Books2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198791:030121 E
141The Internet : A History Encyclopedia : BiographiesEncyclopedia16Lambert (Laura)Reference Books2005California : ABC-CLIO1x0-Jan-00198791:03020 E
142The Internet : A History Encyclopedia : ChronologyEncyclopedia16Poole (Hilary W.)Reference Books2005California : ABC-CLIO1x0-Jan-00198791:03021 E
143The Internet : A History Encyclopedia : IssuesEncyclopedia16Woodford (Chris)Reference Books2005California : ABC-CLIO1x0-Jan-00198791:03022 E
144Knowledge Encyclopaedia : The Big Book of KnowledgeEncyclopedia16Stein (Hein)Reference Books2012 Noida: Random11999.000-Jan-00398791:03056 E
145Knowledge Encyclopaedia : The Big Book of KnowledgeEncyclopedia16Stein (Hein)Reference Books2014 Noida: Random12295.000-Jan-00398791:03057 E
146Knowledge Encyclopaedia : The Big Book of KnowledgeEncyclopedia16Stein (Hein)Reference Books2012 Noida: Random11999.000-Jan-00398791:03058 E
147Encyclopaedia of Education Psychology vol 1 : Educational PsychologyEncyclopedia16Sabu (S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11195.0021-8-2012498793:030108 E
148Encyclopaedia of Education Psychology vol 2 : Advanced Educational PsychologyEncyclopedia16Sabu (S.)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH1x21-8-2012498793:030109 E
149Encyclopaedia of Education vol. 1Encyclopedia16Vallikkat (Santhosh)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH11495.0021-8-2012498793:030110 E
150Encyclopaedia of Education vol. 2Encyclopedia16Vallikkat (Santhosh)Reference Books2012New Delhi : APH1x21-8-2012498793:030111 E
151Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife vol. 1 : Topics and Themes, Africa, Australia and OceaniaEncyclopedia16Clements (William M.), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198792:03023 E
152Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife vol. 2 : Southeast Asia and India, Central and East Asia, Middle EastEncyclopedia16Clements (William M.), Ed.Reference Books2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198792:03024 E
153Encyclopedia of Cuba : People, History, Culture vol.1Encyclopedia16Fernandez (Luis Martinez), Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398790:03061 E
154Encyclopedia of Cuba : People, History, Culture vol. 2Encyclopedia16Fernandez (Luis Martinez), Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398790:03062 E
155Encyclopedia of Sustainability : Environment and Ecology vol. 1Encyclopedia15Collins (Robin Morris)Reference Books2010London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198791:030136 E
156Encyclopedia of Sustainability : Business and Economics vol. 2Encyclopedia15Collins (Robin Morris)Reference Books2010London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198791:030137 E
157Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend 3rd Edition vol. 1 A - LEncyclopedia16Mercatante & DowReference Books2012New Delhi : Viva13500.0021-8-2012398792:03070 E
158Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend 3rd Edition vol. 2 M - ZEncyclopedia16Mercatante & DowReference Books2012New Delhi : Viva1x21-8-2012398792:03071 E
159Encyclopedia of Modern Greek LiteratureEncyclopedia15Merry (Bruce)Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198790:030139 E
160Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism Encyclopedia16Poplawski (Paul)Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398794:03065 E
161Reader's Encyclopedia of World DramaEncyclopedia16Gassner & Quinn, Ed.Reference Books2002New York : Dover1x0-Jan-00398794:03074 E
162Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology vol.1 Encyclopedia16Rajvaidya : MarkandeyReference Books2012New Delhi : APH13000.000-Jan-00398794:03064 E
163Encyclopaedia of Cities and Towns in India vol. 1 (Haryana)Encyclopedia15Seshagiri (N.)Reference Books2008New Delhi : Gyan1x21-8-2012298794:030143 E
164World Fascism : A Historical Encyclopedia vol 2 : L - ZEncyclopedia16Blamires (Cyprian P.)Reference Books2006California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790:03083 E
165Encyclopaedic Biography of the World Economics vol. 1Encyclopedia16Chaudhary (M.A.), Ed.Reference Books2006New Delhi : Global Vision13000.0021-8-2012498791:03077 E
166Science in the Contemporary World : An EncyclopediaEncyclopedia16Swedin (Eric G.)Reference Books2005California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012398790:03068 E
167Encyclopedia of Warrior Peoples and Fighting GroupsEncyclopedia16Davis & HamiltonReference Books1998California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012398794:03069 E
168Age of Milton : An Encyclopedia of Major 17th Century British and American Authors Encyclopedia15Hager (Alan), Ed.Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198790:030140 E
169Encyclopedia of British Writers 19th Century Encyclopedia16Krueger (Christine), Ed.Reference Books2010New Delhi : Viva1x21-8-2012498792:03099 E
170Encyclopaedia of Buddhism : A World Faith [Glossary of Buddhist Terms] vol. 21Encyclopedia15Chitkara (M.G.)Reference Books2007New Delhi : A.P.H.12000.0021-8-2012198794:030142 E
171Encyclopedia of Sustainability : Equity and Fairness vol. 3Encyclopedia15Collin & CollinReference Books2010London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198791:030138 E
172Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature Encyclopedia15Whitson (Kathy J.)Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198790:030135 E
173Ezra Pound Encyclopedia Encyclopedia16Tryphonopoulos (Demetres),Ed.Reference Books2005London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398794:03066 E
174Alexander Pope EncyclopediaEncyclopedia16Rogers (Pat)Reference Books2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398790:03063 E
175Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic ConflictsEncyclopedia16Rudolph (Joseph R.), Ed.Reference Books2003London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012398790:03067 E
176Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies Encyclopedia12Qvortrup (Jens), Ed.Reference Books2009U K : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-201219879037012 Ed
177Children's Reference Encyclopedia : Sports, Arts and EntertainmentEncyclopedia5White (Kay)Reference Books0New Delhi : Young Learner1150.000-Jan-00280100 A.B
178Children's Encyclopedia of Oceans : Begin to discover the amazing underwater worldEncyclopedia5Morgan (Sally)Reference Books2010U K : Parragon1x0-Jan-0018031 A.B
179Praeger Handbook of Urban Education vol. 1Education12Kincheloe (Jeo L.)Education2006London : Greenwood1x13-8-201219844437008 Ed
180Praeger Handbook of Urban Education vol. 2Education12Kincheloe (Jeo L.)Education2006London : Greenwood1x13-8-201219844437009 Ed
181Praeger Handbook of Learning and the Brain vol 1 : A - LEncyclopedia16Feinstein (Sheryl)Reference Books2006London : Praeger1x13-8-2012398444:03072 E
182Praeger Handbook of Learning and the Brain vol 2 : M - ZEncyclopedia16Feinstein (Sheryl)Reference Books2006London : Praeger1x13-8-2012398444:03073 E
183Sixth form at St Clare's Novel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2000London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823148 N
184Fifth formers of St Clare's Novel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823153 N
185Secret seven : Secret seven mysteryNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823118 N
186Mystery of the strange messagesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823109 N
187O' Sullivan twinsNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823146 N
188Secret seven : Secret seven adventureNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823127 N
189Naughtiest girl : Saves the dayNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1135.0013-8-2012198444823135 N
190Six O' Clock talesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Story Book2010London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823105 N
191Seven O' Clock talesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Story Book2010London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823106 N
192Five O' Clock talesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Story Book2010London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823104 N
193Eight O' Clock talesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Story Book2010London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823107 N
194Enchanted world : Petal and the eternal bloomNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823141 N
195Twins at St Clare'sNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823152 N
196Naughtiest girl : Helps a friendNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012198444823134 N
197Mystery of Tally - Ho cottageNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823117 N
198Naughtiest girl : Keeps a secretNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823133 N
199Claudine at St Clare'sNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823147 N
200Kitty at St Clare'sNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823151 N
201Enchanted world : Silky and the everlasting candleNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823144 N
202Enchanted world : Pinx and the ring of midnightNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823142 N
203Enchanted world : Melody and the enchanted harpNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823140 N
204Enchanted world : Melody and the Gemini locketNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823145 N
205Enchanted world : Bizzy and the bedtime bearNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823143 N
206Third form at St Clare'sNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823150 N
207Second form at St Clare'sNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823149 N
208Amelia Jane is naughty again !Novel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823155 N
209Naughtiest girl marches onNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012198444823137 N
210Amelia Jane gets into troubleNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823154 N
211Mystery of holly laneNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1135.0013-8-2012298444823112 N
212Secret seven : The secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823128 N
213Secret seven : Secret seven fireworksNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823123 N
214Enchanted world : Silky and the rainbow featherNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823139 N
215Amelia Jane again !Novel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012198444823156 N
216Secret seven : Good work, secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823121 N
217Secret seven : Well done, secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823122 N
218Mystery of the strange bundleNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823115 N
219Naughtiest girl againNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012198444823132 N
220Naughtiest girl : Well done, The naughtiest girl !Novel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2005London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012198444823136 N
221Secret seven : Three cheers, secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823126 N
222Secret seven : Good old secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823125 N
223Secret seven : Shock for the secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823131 N
224Secret seven : Go ahead , secret seven Novel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823119 N
225Mystery of the missing manNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823116 N
226Secret seven : Secret seven win throughNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823124 N
227Secret seven : Look out, secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823130 N
228Secret seven : Puzzle for the secret sevenNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012298444823129 N
229Here's the naughtiest girlNovel4Blyton (Enid)Fiction2007London : Hodder Children's1125.0013-8-2012198444823138 N
230Mystery of the spiteful lettersNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2009London : Egmont1125.0013-8-2012298444823114 N
231Mystery of the disappearing catNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1135.0013-8-2012298444823110 N
232Mystery of Banshee towersNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1135.0013-8-2012298444823111 N
233Mystery of the vanished princeNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2011London : Egmont1135.0013-8-2012298444823108 N
234Mystery of the invisible thiefNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2010London : Egmont1135.0013-8-2012298444823113 N
235Dr. Seuss' sleep bookNovel3SeussStory Book2010U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482321 N
236Mc Elligot's poolNovel3SeussStory Book2010U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482322 N
237On beyond zebraNovel3SeussStory Book2011U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482325 N
238I wish that I had duck feetNovel3SeussStory Book2011U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482326 N
239Cat in the hat comes backNovel3SeussStory Book1986U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482323 N
240Wish for a fishNovel3Worth (Bonnie)Story Book1999U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482327 N
241Go, dog. Go !Novel3Eastman (P.D.)Story Book2011U K : Harper Collins1160.0013-8-201219844482324 N
242Hardy boys : The children of the lostNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2010New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823187 N
243Hardy boys : WantedNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2006New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823192 N
244Hardy boys : Warehouse RumbleNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2004New York : Aladdin1$4.99 13-8-2012398443823196 N
245Hardy boys : Typhoon IslandNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2003New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823193 N
246Hardy boys : Double deception Novel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2009New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823188 N
247Hardy boys : Blown away Novel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2006New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823190 N
248Hardy boys : The search for the snow leopardNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2002New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823195 N
249Hardy boys : The bicycle thiefNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2011New York : Aladdin1$4.99 13-8-2012398443823186 N
250Hardy boys : Death and diamondsNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2007New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398443823189 N
251Hardy boys : Double jeopardyNovel4Dixon (Franklin W.)Fiction2003New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012398444823194 N
252Nancy drew : Secret sabotageNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2010New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823436 N
253Nancy drew : Close encountersNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2006New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823439 N
254Nancy drew : Model suspectNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2009New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823435 N
255Nancy drew : Action Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2004New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823438 N
256Nancy drew : Perfect coverNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2008New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823437 N
257Nancy drew : Trails of treacheryNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2007New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823440 N
258Nancy drew : IntruderNovel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2007New York : Aladdin1$5.99 13-8-2012498444823441 N
259Storm : The lightning fairyNovel3Meadows (Daisy)Fiction2008London : Orchard1150.0013-8-201219844482364 N
260Abigail : The breeze fairyNovel3Meadows (Daisy)Fiction2008London : Orchard1150.0013-8-201219844482361 N
261Crystal : The snow fairyNovel3Meadows (Daisy)Fiction2008London : Orchard1150.0013-8-201219844482362 N
262Heather : The violet fairyNovel3Meadows (Daisy)Fiction2008London : Orchard1150.0013-8-201219844482365 N
263Goldie : The sunshine fairyNovel3Meadows (Daisy)Fiction2009London : Orchard1150.0013-8-201219844482363 N
264Mars : A tour of the human imaginationGeography14Rabkin (Eric S.)Geography2005London : Praeger1x21-8-201249878991015 G
265Jains in the world : Religious values and ideology in indiaHistory15Cort (John E.)History2011New York : Oxford1$24.95 21-8-201249878990019 Hi
266CommunismMisc12Sandle (Mark)Misc2012U K : Pearson11461.0021-8-201229878900
267Historical dictionary of Ancient IndiaHistory15Roy (Kumkum)History2009USA : Scarecrow1165.0021-8-201249878990024 Hi
268India : The rise of an Asian giantHistory0Dietman (Rothermund)History2008 : Yale Univ1204.0021-8-2012098789900 Hi
269A to Z of the United NationsHistory15Fomerand (Jacques)History2007U K : Scarecrow12554.0021-8-201249878990028 Hi
270Historical dictionary of International organizations second EditionHistory15Schechter (Michael G.)History2010U K : Scarecrow15296.0021-8-201249878990025 Hi
271Women in India : A social and cultural history Vol. 1History15Raman (Sita Anantha)History2009California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-201249878990013 Hi
272Women in India : A social and cultural history Vol. 2History15Raman (Sita Anantha)History2009California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-201249878990014 Hi
273A to Z of SikhismHistory15Mcleod (W.H.)History2005U K : Scarecrow12280.0021-8-201249878990030 Hi
274Assassins and Assassinations : History's most infamous plotsHistory15Donnelley (Paul)History2008London : New Holland11370.0021-8-201249878990001 Hi
275Killing our oceans : Dealing with the mass extinction of marine life Geography14Kunich (John Charles)Geography2006London : Praeger1400.0021-8-201249878991017 G
276Helen of troy : Goddess, Princess, WhoreHistory15Hughes (Bettany)History2005New York : Alfred A. Knopf1x21-8-201249878990034 Hi
277Key terms in literary theoryEducation12Klages, MaryEducation2012London : Continuum1x21-8-201219878937066 Ed
278Gary PaulsenBiography13Blasingame (James B.)Biography2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-201219878992013 B
279Crash course in teen servicesEducation12Miller (Donna P.)Education2008London : Libraries1x21-8-20121987893702 Ed
280Leadership development for educatorsEducation12Rubenstein & OthersEducation2009U K : Rowman & Littlefield1x21-8-201219878937017 Ed
281Teacher's guide to using technology in the classroom Second EditionEducation12Ivers (Karen S.)Education2009London : Libraries1x21-8-20121987893703 Ed
282Psychology and the teacher 8th EditionPsychology14Child (Dennis)Psychology2011London : Continuum1x21-8-20123987891502 Psy
283Writing around the world : A guide to writing across culturesHistory15Mccool (Matthew)History2009London : Continuum1x21-8-201249878990020 Hi
284Folk music : A regional explorationMusic14Cohen (Norm)Music2005London : Greenwood1x21-8-20123987897803 Mu
285Popular music : the age of multimediaMusic14Blake (Andrew)Music2007London : middlesex114.9921-8-20123987897804 Mu
286Babur, the first Moghul in India : In the land of cain Biography13Moon (Farzana)Biography2011U K : Hamilton Books1x21-8-201219878992018 B
287Great soul : Mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with IndiaBiography13Lelyveld (Joseph)Biography2011New York : Alfred A. Knopf128.9521-8-201219878992011 B
288Yeltsin : A lifeBiography13Colton (Timothy)Biography2008New York : Basic Books135.0021-8-201219878992005 B
289Memories of Muhammad : Why the prophet matters : A BiographyBiography13Safi (Omid)Biography2009New York : Harper Collins124.9921-8-201219878992016 B
290Maharajas of BikanerBiography13Bikaner (Rajyashree Kumari)Biography2012New Delhi : Amaryllis1695.0021-8-201219878992015 B
291Our political systemPolitical Science14Kashyap (Subhash C.)Political Science2009New Delhi : National Book1300.0021-8-201239878932001 Pol Sci
292Samuel Johnson : A lifeBiography13Nokes (David)Biography2010New York : Henry Holt & Co.1$32.00 21-8-201219878992006 B
293Mandela : A BiographyBiography13Meredith (Martin)Biography2010New York : BBS Public Affairs1$29.95 21-8-201219878992004 B
294Yasir Arafat : A political biographyBiography13Rubin (Barry)Biography2003New York : Oxford1$27.50 21-8-201219878992002 B
295Kofi Annan : A man of peace in a world of warBiography13Meisler (Stanley)Biography2007New Jersey : John Wiley1$30 .0021-8-201219878992009 B
296Samuel Johnson : A BiographyBiography0Johnson (Samuel)Biography2008 : Weidenfeld1x21-8-2012198789920 B
297Amritsar massacre : The untold story of one fateful dayBiography13Lloyd (Nick)Biography2012London : I.B.Tauris & Co.1x21-8-201219878992007 B
298Nehrus : Motilal and JawaharlalBiography13Nanda (B.R)Biography2008New Delhi : Oxford1825.0021-8-201219878992028 B
299Milton : Poet, Pamphleteer and PatriotBiography13Beer (Anna)Biography2008New York : Bloomsbury1$34.99 21-8-201219878992008 B
300Gandhi : The true man behind modern IndiaBiography13Adams (Jad)Biography2011New York : Pegasus Books1$26.95 21-8-201219878992010 B
301Lion children's BibleNovel3Alexander (Pat)Story Book2004England: Lion1x21-8-201219878982328 N
302Chronology of ScienceEducation12Rezende (Lisa)Education2007New York : Checkmark1$19.95 21-8-2012198789370 10 Ed
303Dayanand Saraswati : His life and ideasBiography13Trivedi (Tanuja)Biography2012New Delhi : Jnanada1950.0021-8-201219878992024 B
304Time machineNovel5Wells (H.G)Science Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1395.0013-8-2012298443823583 N
305Invisible manNovel5Wells (H.G)Science Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1395.0013-8-2012298443823582 N
306Gulliver's Travels : A classic taleNovel5Swift (Jonathan)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1695.0013-8-2012298443823584 N
307Oliver TwistNovel5Dickens (Charles)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1795.0013-8-2012298443823586 N
308Great Expectations Novel5Dickens (Charles)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1795.0013-8-2012298443823585 N
309Robinson CrusoeNovel5Defoe (Daniel)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1595.0013-8-2012298443823588 N
310Treasure IslandNovel5Stevenson (Robert Louis)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1395.0013-8-2012298443823587 N
311Jungle books Novel5Kipling (Rudyard)Fiction2012New Delhi : APH1695.0013-8-2012298443823589 N
312Time machineComic6Wells (H.G)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 50 C
313Conquering Everest : The lives of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing NorgayComic6Helfand (Lewis)Comic2011New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 49 C
314Merchant of VeniceComic6Shakespeare (William)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 38 C
3153 MusketeersComic6Dumas (Alexandre)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 52 C
316Space raceComic6ComicNew Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 36 C
317War of the worldsComic6Wells (H.G)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 37 C
318Treasure IslandComic6Stevenson (Robert Louis)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 45 C
319Nelson MandelaComic6Helfand (Lewis)Comic2011New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 44 C
320FrankensteinComic6Shelly (Mary)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 C
321Journey to the centre of the earthComic6Verne (Jules)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 51 C
322King Solomon's MinesComic6Haggard (H Rider)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 42 C
323Sindbad : The LegacyComic6Johnson (Dan)Comic2011New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 53 C
324Romeo & JulietComic6Shakespeare (William)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 55 C
325Hound of the BaskervillesComic6Doyle (Arthur Conan)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498443823 41 C
326Don Quixote Part 2Comic6Cervantes (Miguel de)Comic2011New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 46 C
327Adventures of Tom SawyerComic6Twain (Mark)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 43 C
328Adventures of Huckleberry FinnComic6Twain (Mark)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 39 C
329Harry Houdini Comic6Welsh (Cel)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 47 C
330Wright BrothersComic6Helfand (Lewis)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 35 C
3312,00000 leagues under the seaComic6Verne (Jules)Comic2009New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 C
332Jason and the ArgonautsComic6Whitehead (Dan)Comic2011New Delhi : Campfire1195.0013-8-2012498442823 40 C
333Hakelberi Finn ke romanchak kaarname (in Hindi)Comic6Twain (Mark)Comic2010New Delhi : Campfire190.0013-8-2012498789823 242 C
334Greenwood companion to Shakespeare : A comprehensive guide for students Vol. 3 : The TragediesLiterature6Rosenblum (Joseph),Ed.English Literature2005USA : Greenwood11842.0021-8-2012198789820 05 L
335Greenwood companion to Shakespeare : A comprehensive guide for students Vol. 4 : The Romances and PoetryLiterature6Rosenblum (Joseph),Ed.English Literature2005USA : Greenwood11842.0021-8-2012198789820 06 L
336Greenwood companion to Shakespeare : A comprehensive guide for students Vol. 2 : The ComediesLiterature6Rosenblum (Joseph),Ed.English Literature2005USA : Greenwood11842.0021-8-2012198789820 04 L
337Greenwood companion to Shakespeare : A comprehensive guide for students Vol. 1 : Overviews and the History PlaysLiterature6Rosenblum (Joseph),Ed.English Literature2005USA : Greenwood11842.0021-8-2012198789820 03 L
338Animal farm : A fairy storyNovel5Orwell (George)Fiction2011London : Penguin1125.0021-8-2012298790823 595 N
339GiverNovel4Lowry (Lois)Fiction1993New York : Houghton Mifflin1$16.00 21-8-2012498790823 494 N
340Wonder book of Would you believe it ?Amazing Books5Golding (Harry),Ed.General Knowledge2008London : Ward Lock1$18.99 21-8-2012198790*080 49 A B
341Nocturnal AnimalsAmazing Books5Roots (Clive)General Knowledge2006London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012198790*080 35 A B
342Considering drama Misc12Mayne & ShuttleworthMisc1986London : Hodder & Stoughton1x21-8-201229879000
343Dictionary of Literary Influences : The Twentieth Century,1914-2000Misc12Powell (John),Ed.Misc2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-201229879000
344Culture and customs of SpainGeography14Stanton (Edward F.)Geography2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498790910 26 G
345Religion in schools : Controversies arouond the worldHistory15Thomas (R. Murray)History2006London : Praeger1x21-8-2012498790900 12 Hi
346History of UkraineHistory15Kubicek (Paul)History2008London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498790900 15 Hi
347School libraries head for the edge : Rants, recommendations and reflectionsEducation12Johnson (Doug)Education2009California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012198790370 16 Ed
348Europe : A Continental overview of environmental issuesGeography14Hillstrom (Kevin)Geography2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 19 G
349Africa and the middle east :A Continental overview of environmental issuesGeography14Hillstrom (Kevin)Geography2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 21 G
350North America : A Continental overview of environmental issuesGeography14Hillstrom (Kevin)Geography2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 22 G
351Australia, Oceania and Antarctica : A Continental overview of environmental issuesGeography14Hillstrom (Kevin)Geography2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 20 G
352Latin America & The Caribbean : A Continental overview of environmental issuesGeography14Hillstrom (Kevin)Geography2003California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 18 G
353Shakespearean Language : A guide for actors and studentsLiterature6O'Dell (Leslie) English Literature2002London : Greenwood1x21-8-2012498790820 7 L
354 William ShakespeareLiterature6Shellard (Dominic) English Literature1995London : British Library1x21-8-2012498790820 2 L
355Masterpieces of French LiteratureMisc12Severson (Marilyn S)Misc2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-201229879000
356Environment and Science : Social impact and interactionGeography14Young (Christian C)Geography2005California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-2012498790910 50 G
357Greatest show on earth (Lost)Misc0Dawkins (Richard)Misc2009 : Free Press1x21-8-201209879000
358Pop culture India : Media, Arts and Lifestyle Misc2Kasbekar (Asha)Misc2006California : ABC-CLIO1x21-8-201229879000
359Children's literature in action : A Librarian's guideEducation12Vardell (Sylvia M.)Education2008London : Libraries1$50.00 21-8-2012198790370 11 Ed
360Leaders who transform society : What drives them and why we are attractedHistory15Popper (Micha)History2005London : Praeger1x21-8-2012498790900 16 Hi
361V for VendettaLiterature6Moore (Alan)English Literature2005New York : D C Comics1x21-8-2012198791820 24 L
362Shakespeare : The life, The works, The treasuresLiterature6Alexander (Catherine M S)English Literature2006New York : Simon & Schuster1x21-8-2012198791820 1 L
363Five past midnight in BhopalMisc12Lapierre & MoroMisc2002London :Simon & Schuster1x21-8-201229879100
364Saving planet earthGeography14Juniper (Tony)Geography2007New York : Harper Collins1$29.95 21-8-2012498791910 8 G
365Global Warning : The last chance for changeGeography14Brown (Paul)Geography2007US : Reader's Digest1$29.95 21-8-2012498791910 6 G
366Essential modern world historyHistory15Walsh (Ben)History Course Book2002London : John Murray1x21-8-2012498791900 2 Hi
367Water : The drop of lifeGeography14Swanson (Peter)Geography2001Minnetonka : NorthWord Press1$29.95 21-8-2012498791910 1 G
368World Atlas of BirdsGeography14Beazley (Mitchell)Geography1974New York : Gramercy Books1x21-8-2012498791910 4 G
369Beyond Earth : Mapping the UniverseGeography14DeVorkin (David),Ed.Geography0USA : National Geographic1$40.00 21-8-2012498791910 3 G
370Climate : The force that shapes our world and the future of life on earthGeography14Ochoa (George) & othersGeography2005London : Rodale1$35.00 21-8-2012498791910 2 G
371Bedford Glossary of critical and literary terms 3rd EditionMisc12Murfin & RayMisc2009New York :Palgrave Macmilan1x21-8-201229879100
372Portrait of a President : Pranab MukherjeeBiography13Shewan (M.A.),Ed.Biography2012New Delhi : Mittal199521-8-2012198791920 21 B
373Earth and ashesNovel5Rahimi (Atiq)Fiction2002New York : Harcourt1$19.00 21-8-2012298791823 592 N
374Tales of a Lost Kingdom : A Journey into Northwest PakistanNovel3L'Homme (Erik)Story Book2007New York : Enchanted Lion1$17.95 21-8-2012198791823 6 N
375A to Z of the European UnionHistory15Roy & KannerHistory2009U K : Scarecrow1x21-8-2012498791900 31 Hi
376Star gazerNovel4Platt (Chris)Fiction2011Atlanta: Peachtree1$14.95 21-8-2012498791823 493 N
377Examining Religions ChristianityReligion14Jenkins (Joe)Religion Course Book1995Oxford : Heinemann1x21-8-2012398791200 2 R
378A to Z of LaosHistory15Stuart-Fox (Martin)History2010U K : Scarecrow1x21-8-2012498791900 29 Hi
379A to Z of IsraelHistory15Reich & GoldbergHistory2010U K : Scarecrow1x21-8-2012498791900 27 Hi
380A to Z of the Contemporary United KingdomHistory15Panton & CowlardHistory2010U K : Scarecrow1x21-8-2012498791900 26 Hi
381Cambridge illustrated history of ReligionsHistory15Bowker (John),Ed.History2002U K : Cambridge1x21-8-2012498791900 5 Hi
382World Religions : Almanac Vol 1History15Neal & JonesHistory2007London : Thomson1x21-8-2012498791900 11 Hi
383United Nations : An IntroductionHistory15Gareis & VarwickHistory2005New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-2012498791900 18 Hi
384History of South - East Asia 4th EditionHistory15Hall (D.G.E)History1995New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-2012498791900 32 Hi
385Shakespearean Tragedy 4th EditionLiterature6Bradley (A. C)English Literature2007New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-2012198791820 23 L
386Pocket Oxford English Dictionary 10th EditionDictionary14Soanes (Catherine),Ed.Reference Books2011New Delhi : Oxford1285.0021-8-2012198791423 20 Di
387Vox compact Spanish and English Dictionary 3rd EditionDictionary14N AReference Books2008New York : McGraw Hill1$10.95 21-8-2012198791423 23 Di
388Key concepts in contemporary literatureMisc12Padley (Steve)Misc2006New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-201229879100
389Poetry of W.H. AudenMisc12Hendon (Paul),Ed.Misc2000New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-201229879100
390Literary terms and criticism 3rd EditionMisc12Peck & CoyleMisc2005New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-201229879100
391Social researchMisc12Sarantatos (Sotirios)Misc2005New York : Palgrave Macmillan1x21-8-201229879100
392Great soul : Mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with IndiaBiography13Lelyveld (Joseph)Biography2011New York : Alfred A. Knopf1x21-8-2012198791920 12 B
393World's Greatest Educational Thinkers Philosophers and Educationists History15Vallikkat (Santhosh)History2012New Delhi : Kanishka11795.0021-8-2012498791900 33 Hi
394International English : Coursebook 2English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 62 Eng
395International English : Teacher's Guide 2English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 65 Eng
396International English : Teacher's Guide 3English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 64 Eng
397International English : Coursebook 3English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 63 Eng
398International English : Workbook 3English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 68 Eng
399International English : Workbook 2English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 67 Eng
400International English : Workbook 1English11Kellas & LucantoniEnglish Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012298791420 66 Eng
401International Mathematics : Workbook 3Maths11Sherratt (Andrew)Maths coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791510 9 M
402International Science : Coursebook 2Science17Morrison (Karen)Science Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791500 12 Sci
403International Science : Coursebook 3Science17Morrison (Karen)Science Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791500 13 Sci
404International Science : Workbook 2Science17Morrison (Karen)Science Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791500 15 Sci
405International Science : Workbook 3Science17Morrison (Karen)Science Coursebook2009U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791500 16 Sci
406International Science : Workbook 1Science17Morrison (Karen)Science Coursebook2008U K : Hodder Education1x21-8-2012198791500 14 Sci
407Academic Communication Skills : Conversation strategies for International graduate studentsEnglish14Huang (Li-Shih)English2010U K : University Press of America1x21-8-2012298791420 2 Eng
408Continents : South AmericaGeography14Fox (Mary Virginia)Geography2006Chicago : Heinemann Library1x21-8-2012498791910 7 G
409Frameworks of English : Introducing language structures 2nd EditionEnglish14Ballard (Kim)English2007New York : Palgrave Macmillan1£17.9921-8-2012298791420 10 Eng
410Key Geography ConnectionsGeography11Waugh & BushellGeography Coursebook1997England : Stanley Thornes1x21-8-2012298791910 47 G
411Key Geography ConnectionsGeography11Waugh & BushellGeography Coursebook1997England : Stanley Thornes1x21-8-2012298791910 48 G
412Think History ! 1 : Changing times 1066 - 1500 : FoundationHistory15Collier (Martin) & OthersHistory2003U K : Heinemann1x21-8-2012298791900 3 Hi
413Metals and TechnologyScience17Stevens (Ray)Science1994U K : Cambridge1x21-8-2012198791500 17 Sci
414New Hodder English 3 English14Hackman (Sue) & OthersEnglish Coursebook2001U K : Hodder & Stoughton1x21-8-2012298791420 3 Eng
415New International Business English : Communication skills in English for business purposes : Student's Book English14Jones & AlexanderEnglish Coursebook1996U K : Cambridge1x21-8-2012298791420 1 Eng
416Algebra 2 : Practice Workbook with examplesMaths11Littell (McDougal)Maths Coursebook2001Evanston : McDougal Littell1x21-8-2012198791510 19 M
417Pre - Algebra : Reproducible skill builders and higher order thinking activities based on NCTM standardsMaths11Opie & McAvinnMaths Coursebook1996Nashville : Incentive1x21-8-2012198791510 7 M
418Modern EssaysEnglish14Gupta & SawhneyEnglish2008New Delhi : A P H1395.0021-8-2012298792420 48 Eng
419Modern EssaysEnglish14Manoharan (P.K)English2010New Delhi : A P H1495.0021-8-2012298792420 49 Eng
420Improve your EnglishEnglish14Singaravelu (G)English2011New Delhi : A P H1795.0021-8-2012298792420 19 Eng
421Essays and PhrasesEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : A P H1695.0021-8-2012298792420 36 Eng
422Book of AdjectivesEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : A P H1595.0021-8-201229879242034 Eng
423Fun in using idiomsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2012New Delhi : A P H1795.0021-8-201229879242038 Eng
424Fun in using ProverbsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2012New Delhi : A P H1795.0021-8-201229879242039 Eng
425Improve your EnglishEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : A P H1695.0021-8-201229879242031 Eng
426How to write better lettersEnglish14Tarafder (S.K)English2009New Delhi : A P H1595.0021-8-201229879242017 Eng
427How to speak fluentlyEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2012New Delhi : A P H1995.0021-8-201229879242023 Eng
428Book of VerbsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : A P H1595.0021-8-201229879242033 Eng
429Common errors in EnglishEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2012New Delhi : A P H1x21-8-201229879242026 Eng
430Spelling powerEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : A P H1495.0021-8-201229879242030 Eng
431Effective writing using good grammarEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2012New Delhi : A P H1795.0021-8-201229879242024 Eng
432Art of letter writingEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : A P H1695.0021-8-201229879242032 Eng
433Exploring English GrammarEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : A P H1395.0021-8-201229879242025 Eng
434Book of NounsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : A P H1495.0021-8-201229879242035 Eng
435Standard LettersEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : A P H1695.0021-8-201229879242037 Eng
436Standard EssaysEnglish14Tarafder (S.K)English2011New Delhi : A P H1595.0021-8-201229879242045 Eng
437How to learn Flawless English (Both spoken and written)English14Tarafder (S.K)English2010New Delhi : A P H1495.0021-8-201229879242042 Eng
438Essay WritingEnglish14Tarafder (S.K)English2012New Delhi : A P H1295.0021-8-201229879242044 Eng
439English GrammarEnglish14Christian (Elizabeth P.)English2012New Delhi : A P H1995.0021-8-201229879242015 Eng
440English Grammar & CompositionEnglish14Christian & ChauhanEnglish2011New Delhi : A P H1695.0021-8-201229879242016 Eng
441English Language Education - Teaching MethodsEnglish14Denisia (S.P)English2010New Delhi : A P H1595.0021-8-201229879242018 Eng
442Innovative Teaching and Research in EnglishEnglish14Badhei (Sankirtan)English2012New Delhi : A P H1995.0021-8-201229879242020 Eng
443Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : The Merchant of VeniceLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282016 L
444Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : Romeo and JulietLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282019 L
445Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : HamletLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282014 L
446Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : Twelfth NightLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282018 L
447Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : The Taming of the ShrewLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282022 L
448Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : Henry 1V, Part 1Literature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282021 L
449Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : Julius CaesarLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-20121987928208 L
450Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : As you like itLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-20121987928209 L
451Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : OthelloLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282010 L
452Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : King LearLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282012 L
453Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : The TempestLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282020 L
454Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : MacbethLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282015 L
455Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : Antony and CleopatraLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282011 L
456Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : The SonnetsLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282013 L
457Harold Bloom's Shakespeare through the ages : A Midsummer Night's DreamLiterature6Bloom (Harold),Ed.English Literature2010New Delhi : Viva Books1666.3321-8-201219879282017 L
458Cambridge IGCSE Geography : CoursebookGeography11Cambers & SibleyGeography Coursebook2011U K : Cambridge1x21-8-201219879291049 G
459IGCSE Physics 2nd Ed.Physics17Duncan & KennettPhysics Coursebook2009U K : Hodder1x21-8-20121987925303 Ph
460Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics Maths11Metcalf (Paul)Maths Coursebook2006London : Collins1x21-8-201219879251020 M
461IGCSE Twentieth Century History : International Relations since 1919History11McAleavy (Tony)History Course Book2012U K : Cambridge1x21-8-201219879290037 Hi
462Cambridge IGCSE Literature in EnglishEnglish11Carey (Russell)English Coursebook2011U K : Cambridge1x21-8-2012198792420101 Eng
463Success International English Skills for IGCSE : Student's Book English11Barry (Marian)English Coursebook2011U K : Cambridge1£19.9521-8-201219879242095 Eng
464First English language IGCSE : Coursebook 3rd EditionEnglish11Cox (Marian)English Coursebook2011U K : Cambridge1x21-8-201219879242097 Eng
465IGCSE English as a second language : Coursebook 1 3rd EditionEnglish11Lucantoni (Peter)English Coursebook2011U K : Cambridge1x21-8-201219879242093 Eng
466IGCSE ChemistryChemistry0Earl (Bryan)Chemistry Coursebook2009U K : Hodder1x21-8-2012198792540 Ch
467Considering ProseEnglish14Mayne & ShuttleworthEnglish1984London : Hodder & Stoughton1x21-8-201229878942011 Eng
468Adventures of Tom SawyerNovel5Twain (Mark)Fiction0New York : Scholastic1x21-8-2012298789823597 N
469Writer's Reference 7th EditionEnglish14Hacker & SommersEnglish2011New York : Bedford / St. Martin's1£32.9921-8-201229878942012 Eng
470Short history of Asia : Stone age to 2000 ADHistory15Mason (Colin)History 2000London : Macmillan1£35.0021-8-201249878990023 Hi
471Mean Machines : How to draw cool cars, trucks and motorcyclesArt & Craft12Walshe (Dermot)Art2007Ohio : Impact1$19.99 21-8-20124987897006 A & C
472Golden Treasury Poetry6Palgrave (Francis Turner),Ed.Poetry2011U K : Palgrave Macmillan1£12.9921-8-20123987898213 .P
473Cambridge Companion to Modern Indian CultureGeography14Dalmia (Vasudha) Ed.Geography 2012New York : Cambridge1395.0021-8-201249878991030 G
474Because of Winn - DixieNovel5DiCamillo (Kate)Fiction2001London : Walker Books1£4.9921-8-2012298789823593 N
475This Isn't What It Looks LikeLiterature14Bosch (Pseudonymous)English Literature2011London : Usborne1295.0021-8-201239878982045 L
476School's Out - ForeverNovel3Patterson (James)Fiction2009New York : Grand Central1$7.99 21-8-2012498789823558 N
477Be the Boss of your Stess :Self - care for kidsEducation12Culbert & KajanderEducation2007Minneapolis: Free Spirit1x21-8-20121987893707 Ed
478Tarka the OtterNovel5Williamson (Henry)Fiction2009London : Penguin1£8.9921-8-2012298789823590 N
479Quail ClubNovel4Marsden (Carolyn)Fiction2008Cambridge : Candlewick Press1$5.99 21-8-2012498789823519 N
480School Administrators and Technology : Meeting the StandardsReference Books14Connor & OthersReference Books2010U K : University Press of America1£9.9921-8-201239878902 R.B
481Dictionary of ProverbsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2009New Delhi : APH139521-8-201229879342027 Eng
482Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2011New Delhi : APH169521-8-201229879342028 Eng
483Dictionary of idioms and phrasesEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : APH159521-8-201229879342029 Eng
484Exploring Bussiness LettersEnglish14Kleiser (Grenville)English2010New Delhi : APH139521-8-201229879342040 Eng
485Art of SpeakingEnglish14Rajamouly (Katta)English2012New Delhi : APH149521-8-201229879342022 Eng
486Dictionary of Grammatical and Literary TermsEnglish14Rajamouly (Katta)English2012New Delhi : APH169521-8-201229879342041 Eng
487Communication SkillsEnglish14Shivaramu (K)English2012New Delhi : APH159521-8-201229879342021 Eng
488Dictionary of PhysicsScience17Singh (Jogindra)Science2011New Delhi : APH179521-8-201219879350036 Sci
489Dictionary of BiologyScience17Tandon (R.K)Science2010New Delhi : APH169521-8-201219879350038 Sci
490Dictionary of ChemistryScience17Mittal (Arun)Science2012New Delhi : APH169521-8-201219879350037 Sci
491Time ManagementEducation12Singh (S.R)Education2012New Delhi : APH199521-8-201219879337018 Ed.
492Food and Nutrition Education : A programmed courseScience17Chopra (punam)Science2009New Delhi : APH159521-8-201219879350046 Sci
493101 Great lives who shaped the worldBiography13Srivastava (Kamal S.)Biography2012New Delhi : APH1129521-8-2012398793920167 B
494101 Scientists who shaped the worldBiography13Srivastava (Kamal S.)Biography2012New Delhi : APH1129521-8-2012398793920168 B
495101 Great women who shaped the worldBiography13Srivastava (Kamal S.)Biography2012New Delhi : APH1129521-8-2012398793920169 B
496Gitanjali : Song offeringsLiterature14Tagore (Rabindranath )Literature2011New Delhi : APH149521-8-201239879382037 L
497My experiments with truth (An Autobiography)Biography13Gandhi (M.K)Biography2011New Delhi : APH199521-8-201219879392022 B
498Nobel prize winners in PhysicsScience17Agarwal (Arun)Science2008New Delhi : APH179521-8-201219879350034 Sci
499Nobel prize winners in Chemistry (1901 - 2002)Science17Agarwal (Arun)Science2011New Delhi : APH169521-8-201219879350035 Sci
500Customs of India Vol 1 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391032 G
501Customs of India Vol 2 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391031G
502Customs of India Vol 3 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391033 G
503Customs of India Vol 4 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391034 G
504Customs of India Vol 6 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391036 G
505Customs of India Vol 5 : Customs, Manners, RitualsGeography14Bhargava (Gopal),Ed.Geography2013Delhi : Isha Books1120021-8-201249879391035 G
506Food culture in South AmericaGeography14Lovera (Jose Rafael)Geography2005London : Greenwood1$51.95 21-8-201249879391024 G
507Food culture in SpainGeography14Medina (F.Xavier)Geography2005London : Greenwood1$51.95 21-8-201249879391023 G
508Global Warming in the 21st Century Vol 1 : Our Evolving Climate CrisisGeography14Johansen (Bruce E)Geography2006London : Praeger1$9.20 21-8-201249879391027 G
509Global Warming in the 21st Century Vol 2 : Melting Ice and Warming SeasGeography14Johansen (Bruce E)Geography2006London : Praeger1$9.20 21-8-201249879391028 G
510Global Warming in the 21st Century Vol 3 : Plants and Animals in PerilGeography14Johansen (Bruce E)Geography2006London : Praeger1$9.20 21-8-201249879391029 G
511Terrorist List : North America Vol. 4Geography14Mickolus & SimmonsGeography2011London : Praeger1$64 21-8-201249879491013 G
512Terrorist List : South America Vol. 5Geography14Mickolus & SimmonsGeography2011London : Praeger1$64 21-8-201249879491014 G
513Terrorist List : Asia, Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa Vol. 1Geography14Mickolus & SimmonsGeography2011London : Praeger1$64 21-8-201249879491010 G
514Terrorist List : Eastern Europe Vol. 3Geography14Mickolus & SimmonsGeography2011London : Praeger1$64 21-8-201249879491012 G
515Terrorist List : Western Europe Vol. 2Geography14Mickolus & SimmonsGeography2011London : Praeger1$64 21-8-201249879491011 G
516Race for Timbuktu : In search of Africa's City of GoldGeography14Kryza (Frank T)Geography2006New York : Harper Collins1$25.95 21-8-201249879491016 G
517Teens, Technology, and Literacy : Or, Why Bad Grammar Isn't Always BadEducation12Braun (Linda W)Education2007London : Libraries1£16.9521-8-201219879437015 Ed
518Essential HinduismMisc12Rosen (Steven J)Misc2006London : Praeger1$63 21-8-201229879400
519Flightless Birds : Greenwood Guides to the Animal WorldAmazing Books5Roots (Clive)General Knowledge2006London : Greenwood1$65 21-8-2012198794*08033 A.B
520Cold War : Themes in 20th Century World History for the International BaccalaureateHistory15Tomkinson (John L)History 2007Greece : Anagnosis1x21-8-201239879490035 Hi
521Mouse that Roared : Disney and the end of innocenceMisc4Giroux & PollockMisc2010U K : Rowman & Littlefield1x21-8-201229879400
522Music Education at a Crossroads : Realizing the goal of music for all Music14Barrett (Janet R)Music2009U K : Rowman & Littlefield1£31.9521-8-20123987947802 Mu
523Encouraging and Supporting Student Inquiry : Researching Controversial Issues : Libraries Unlimited Professional Guides in School LibrarianshipEducation12Selverstone (Harriet S)Education2007London : Libraries1x21-8-201219879437014 Ed
524Comedy : A Geographic and Historical Guide Vol 1History15Charney (Maurice),Ed.History 2005London : Praeger1x21-8-201249879490010 Hi
525Comedy : A Geographic and Historical Guide Vol 2History15Charney (Maurice),Ed.History 2005London : Praeger1x21-8-20124987949009 Hi
526Dictionary of Battles and Sieges : A Guide to 8500 Battles from Antiquity through the Twenty - First Century Vol 3 P-ZHistory15Jaques (Tony)History 2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-20124987959008 Hi
527Dictionary of Battles and Sieges : A Guide to 8500 Battles from Antiquity through the Twenty - First Century Vol 2 F-OHistory15Jaques (Tony)History 2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-20124987959007 Hi
528Dictionary of Battles and Sieges : A Guide to 8500 Battles from Antiquity through the Twenty - First Century Vol 1 A-EHistory15Jaques (Tony)History 2007London : Greenwood1x21-8-20124987959006 Hi
529Emily Dickinson : Critical Assessments Vol. 1 : Biography and Early StudiesLiterature14Clarke (Graham),Ed.English Literature2002London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582025 L
530Emily Dickinson : Critical Assessments Vol. 4 (Lost)Literature14Clarke (Graham),Ed.English Literature2002London : Helm Information1x21-8-2012398795820 L
531Emily Dickinson : Critical Assessments Vol. 3 : The 1900s to the 1970sLiterature14Clarke (Graham),Ed.English Literature2002London : Helm Information1x21-8-2012398795820 27 L
532Emily Dickinson : Critical Assessments Vol. 2 : Early Responses ; Poets on the Poetry ; Early ReviewsLiterature14Clarke (Graham),Ed.English Literature2002London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582026 L
533E. M. Forster : Critical Assessments Vol.4 : Relations and Aspects; The Modern Critical Response, 1945-90Literature14Stape (J.H), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582035 L
534E. M. Forster : Critical Assessments Vol.1 : Memories and Impressions; Reviews : Where Angels Fear to Trend to The Life to Come and Other StoriesLiterature14Stape (J.H), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582032 L
535E. M. Forster : Critical Assessments Vol.2 : The Critical Response : Early Responses 1907-44; The Short Fiction; Forster's Criticism; Miscellaneous WritingsLiterature14Stape (J.H), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582033 L
536E. M. Forster : Critical Assessments Vol.3 : The Modern Critical Response : Where Angels Fear to Tread to MauriceLiterature14Stape (J.H), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582034 L
537Nathaniel Hawthorne : Critical Assessments Vol 4 : The Critical Response General Assessments Since 1900Literature14Harding (Brian), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582031 L
538Nathaniel Hawthorne : Critical Assessments Vol 1 : The Contemporary ContextLiterature14Harding (Brian), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582028 L
539Nathaniel Hawthorne : Critical Assessments Vol 2 : 'Creating a Classic' 1860-1900Literature14Harding (Brian), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582029 L
540Nathaniel Hawthorne : Critical Assessments Vol 3 : The Critical Response Assessments of Individual Works Since 1900Literature14Harding (Brian), Ed.English Literature0London : Helm Information1x21-8-201239879582030 L
541Higher Education in the Internet Age : Libraries Creating a Strategic EdgeEducation12Breivik & GeeEnglish Literature2006London : Praeger1x21-8-201219879537013 Ed
542Culture and customs of IsraelGeography14Torstrick (Rebecca L)Geography2004London : Greenwood1x21-8-201249879591025 G
543Brushing Up on Grammar : An Acts of Teaching ApproachEnglish14Carroll & WilsonEnglish Grammar2010London : Libraries Unlimited1$25.00 21-8-20122987954204 Eng
544100 Great American Novels : You've (Probably) Never ReadAmazing Books5Bridges (Karl)Amazing Books2007London : Libraries Unlimited1x21-8-2012198795*08034 A.B
545Who's Who of Nobel Prize Winners 1901-2000 Fourth EditionAmazing Books5Sherby (Louise S)General Knowledge2002London : Oryx Press1x21-8-2012198795*0808 A.B
54620th Century Science : Weather and ClimateScience17Harper (Kristine)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250031 Sci
54720th Century Science : BiologyScience17Haugen (Peter)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250030 Sci
54820th Century Science : ChemistryScience17Greenberg (Arthur)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250029 Sci
54920th Century Science : PhysicsScience17Bortz (Alfred B)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250028 Sci
55020th Century Science : Marine ScienceScience17Reed (Christina)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250027 Sci
55120th Century Science : Space and AstronomyScience17Dyson (Marianne J)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250033 Sci
55220th Century Science : Earth ScienceScience17Reed (Christina)Science2010New Delhi : Viva Books1142821-8-201219879250032 Sci
553Chhota Bheem in Samurai Sam Vol. 7Comics6Chilaka (Rajiv)Comic Book2012Bothakpur : Green Gold Animation17021-9-201249869282377 C
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591Riddle that Never Was : Part of the Riddles SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782372 N
592Those Dreadful Children : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782387 N
593Children at Green Meadows : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782389 N
594Mr Wumble and the Dragon … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782390 N
595Famous Five : Five have a wonderful timeNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Headline115027-11-20142SUM - 27823100 N
596Famous Five : Five go to Mystery MoorNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Headline115027-11-20142SUM - 27823101 N
597Peronel's Magic Polish … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782384 N
598Family at Red - Roofs : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782378 N
599Riddle of the Hollow Tree : Part of the Riddles SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782374 N
600Magic Needle … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782388 N
601Riddle of the Hidden Treasure : Part of the Riddle SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782375 N
602Secret of Cliff Castle Novel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books135027-11-20142SUM - 2782369 N
603Famous Five : Five on a Hike TogetherNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Headline115027-11-20142SUM - 2782399 N
604Famous Five : Five on a Secret TrailNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Headline115027-11-20142SUM - 27823102 N
605Secret of Skytop Hill Novel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books135027-11-20142SUM - 2782366 N
606Famous Five : Five Go Down to the SeaNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction1997London : Hodder Children's Books125027-11-20142SUM - 2782370 N
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608Adventures of the Six CousinsNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books135027-11-20142SUM - 2782368 N
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610Riddle of the Boy Next Door : Part of the Riddles SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782376 N
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617Smickle Smockle … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782392 N
618Six Bad Boys : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782394 N
619Six Red Wizards … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782383 N
620Famous Five : Five on Kirrin Island AgainNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's Books115027-11-20142SUM - 2782396 N
621Wonderful Torch … and other storiesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2014London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782382 N
622Put- Em- Rights : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782386 N
623Famous Five : Five Get Into a FixNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's Books115027-11-20142SUM - 27823103 N
624Riddle of Holiday House : Part of the Riddles SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782371 N
625Famous Five : Five Go Off to CampNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's Books115027-11-20142SUM - 2782397 N
626Riddle of the Rajah's Ruby : Part of the Riddles SeriesNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782373 N
627House at the Corner : Family AdventuresNovel3Blyton (Enid)Fiction2013London : Bounty Books119927-11-20142SUM - 2782377 N
628Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery of Crocodile Island No. 55Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823422 N
629Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Scarlet Slipper Mystery No. 32Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823408 N
630Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret in the Old Lace No. 59Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823426 N
631Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery of The Glowing Eye No. 51Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823418 N
632Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue in The Old Album No. 24Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823400 N
633Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Sky Phantom No. 53Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823420 N
634Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue in The Jewel Box No. 20Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823396 N
635Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret in The Old Attic No 21Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823397 N
636Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Witch Tree Symbol No 33Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823409 N
637Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery of The Moss-Covered Mansion No. 18Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823433 N
638Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Strange Message in The Parchment No. 54Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823421 N
639Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue of the Dancing Puppet No. 39Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823415 N
640Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Haunted Showboat No. 35Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823411 N
641Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery at the Ski Jump No. 29Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823405 N
642Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Thirteenth Pearl No. 56Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823423 N
643Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Ghost of Blackwood Hall No. 25Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823401 N
644Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Triple Hoax No. 57Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823424 N
645Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Double Jinx Mystery No. 50Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823417 N
646Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret of Mirror Bay No. 49Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823416 N
647Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Captive Witness No. 64Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823431 N
648Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Greek Symbol Mystery No. 60Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823427 N
649Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Quest of The Missing Map No. 19Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823434 N
650Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret of The Forgotten City No. 52Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823419 N
651Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret of The Wooden Lady No. 27Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823403 N
652Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Twin Dilemma No. 63Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823430 N
653Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Flying Saucer Mystery No. 58Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823425 N
654Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Swami's Ring No. 61Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823428 N
655Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery of the Brass- Bound Trunk No. 17Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823432 N
656Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue in the Old Stagecoach No. 37Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823413 N
657Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Secret of the Golden Pavilion No. 36Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823412 N
658Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Mystery of the Fire Dragon No. 38Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823414 N
659Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : Mystery of the Tolling Bell No. 23Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823399 N
660Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Hidden Window Mystery No. 34Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823410 N
661Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue of the Leaning Chimney No. 26Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823402 N
662Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Ringmaster's Secret No. 31Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823407 N
663Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue of The Black Keys No. 28Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823404 N
664Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue in The Crumbling Wall No. 22Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823398 N
665Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Kachina Doll Mystery No. 62Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823429 N
666Nancy Drew Mystery Stories : The Clue of The Velvet Mask No. 30Novel5Keene (Carolyn)Fiction2005New York : Grosset & Dunlap1$7.99 27-11-20144SUM - 27823406 N
667Taken at the flood Novel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823339 N
668Giant's BreadNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2009London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823347 N
669Taken at the flood Novel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823340 N
670Mystery of the Blue TrainNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823342 N
671Endless NightNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2007London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823330 N
672Crooked HouseNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823337 N
673Cat among the PigeonsNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823343 N
674Death comes as the endNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823334 N
675Evil under the sunNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823333 N
676Seven dials mysteryNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823336 N
677BurdenNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2009London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823341 N
678And then there were noneNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2007London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823331 N
679Mousetrap and selected playsNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction1994London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823327 N
680Black CoffeeNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823329 N
681Poirot investigatesNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823344 N
682Big FourNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823338 N
683By the pricking of my thumbsNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823328 N
684Moving fingerNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823348 N
685Third girlNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2002London : Harper Collins117527-11-20143SUM - 27823332 N
686Murder on the orient expressNovel3Christie (Agatha)Fiction2007London : Harper Collins119927-11-20143SUM - 27823335 N
687Harry Potter & Chamber of secretsNovel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2013London : Bloomsbury1x27-11-20143SUM - 27823310 N
688Harry Potter & The Prisoner of AzkabanNovel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2013London : Bloomsbury149927-11-20143SUM - 27823309 N
689Harry Potter & The Goblet of fireNovel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2013London : Bloomsbury159927-11-20143SUM - 27823306 N
690Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stoneNovel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2014London : Bloomsbury139927-11-20143SUM - 27823308 N
691Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Lost)Novel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2013London : Bloomsbury139927-11-20143SUM - 27823 N
692Harry Potter & The order of the PhoenixNovel3Rowling (J.K)Fiction2013London : Bloomsbury159927-11-20143SUM - 27823305 N
693Code of the WoostersNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823311 N
694Summer Lightning Novel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823313 N
695Pigs have wings Novel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823325 N
696Summer Lightning Novel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823314 N
697Stiff upper lip, JeevesNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823324 N
698Clicking of CuthbertNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823326 N
699Service with a smileNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823312 N
700Young men in SpatsNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2009London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823317 N
701Girl in blueNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823320 N
702Money for nothing Novel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823318 N
703Meet Mr MullinerNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823323 N
704Uncle Fred in the springtimeNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823319 N
705UkridgeNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823321 N
706Damsel in distressNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823315 N
707Laughing gasNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823322 N
708Big moneyNovel3Wodehouse (P.G)Fiction2008London : Arrow Books129927-11-20143SUM - 27823316 N
709Goosebumps : Attack of the MutantNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823159 N
710Goosebumps : My hairiest adventure Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823173 N
711Goosebumps : The girl who cried monsterNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823166 N
712Goosebumps : Monster blood IIINovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823171 N
713Goosebumps : It came from beneath the sink !Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823165 N
714Goosebumps : A night in terror towerNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823163 N
715Goosebumps : The haunted mask IINovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823164 N
716Give yourself Goosebumps : Tick Tock, You're Dead !Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823182 N
717Goosebumps : The Cuckoo clock of doomNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823167 N
718Goosebumps : Go eat worms!Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823172 N
719Give yourself Goosebumps : Beware of the purple peanut butterNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823183 N
720Goosebumps : Ghost beachNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823168 N
721Give yourself Goosebumps : All - Day NightmareNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823180 N
722Give yourself Goosebumps : Into the Twister of TerrorNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823177 N
723Goosebumps : Night of the living dummyNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823185 N
724Goosebumps Horror Land : Welcome to camp slitherNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2014New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823158 N
725Goosebumps : Ghost beachNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2014New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823169 N
726Goosebumps : The haunted schoolNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2014New York : Scholastic119527-11-20143SUM - 27823174 N
727Goosebumps : Elevator to NowhereNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823175 N
728Goosebumps : Night of the living dummy IINovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823160 N
729Goosebumps wanted : The haunted maskNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823157 N
730Goosebumps : The scarecrow walks at midnightNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823162 N
731Goosebumps : Return of the MummyNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2014New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823170 N
732Give yourself Goosebumps : Shop till you drop … Dead !Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823179 N
733Give yourself Goosebumps : Scary birthday to you !Novel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823176 N
734Goosebumps : Deep troubleNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823184 N
735Give yourself Goosebumps : Hocus- Pocus horrorNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2013New York : Scholastic115027-11-20143SUM - 27823178 N
736Chicken soup for the Indian soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823292 N
737Chicken soup for the Sister's soul 2Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2007Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823269 N
738Chicken soup for the Grandparent's soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2009Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823295 N
739Chicken soup for the Teenage soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823275 N
740Chicken soup for the Mother's soul 2Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2001Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823294 N
741Chicken soup for the Child's soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823293 N
742Chicken soup for the Surviving soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2000Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823290 N
7435th portion of Chicken soup for the soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2000Chennai : Westland125027-11-20142SUM - 27823279 N
7443rd serving of Chicken soup for the soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823278 N
745Chicken soup for the Teenage soul 1VNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2004Chennai : Westland125027-11-20142SUM - 27823289 N
746Chicken soup for the soul living your dreamsNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823271 N
747Chicken soup for the Teen soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland129527-11-20142SUM - 27823286 N
748Chicken soup for the Unsinkable soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland125027-11-20142SUM - 27823282 N
749Chicken soup for the soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823284 N
750Chicken soup for the Teenage soul IINovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2000Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823288 N
751Chicken soup for the Mother & Daughter soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2004Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823281 N
7522nd helping of Chicken soup for the soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823277 N
753Chicken soup for the Father & Daughter soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2009Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823285 N
754Chicken soup to Inspire a woman's soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2004Chennai : Westland129527-11-20142SUM - 27823268 N
755Chicken soup for the Indian Armed Forces soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland129527-11-20142SUM - 27823276 N
756Chicken soup for the soul living your dreamsNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823272 N
757Chicken soup for the Indian Armed Forces soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2008Chennai : Westland129527-11-20142SUM - 27823275 N
758Chicken soup to Inspire a woman's soul Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823297 N
759Chicken soup for the Parent's soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2000Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823291 N
760Chicken soup for the Sister's soul 2Novel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2007Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM - 27823270 N
761Chicken soup for the College soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2000Chennai : Westland125027-11-20142SUM - 27823283 N
762Chicken soup for the soul … Stories for a better worldNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2006Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM-27823273 N
763Chicken soup for the soul … Stories for a better worldNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2006Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM-27823274 N
764Chicken soup for the Entrepreneur's soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2006Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM-27823280 N
765Chicken soup for the Mother of preschooler's soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction2007Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM-27823296 N
766Chicken soup for the Woman's soulNovel4Canfield (Jack) & OthersFiction1999Chennai : Westland127527-11-20142SUM-27823298 N
767FrankensteinNovel4Shelley (Mary W)Fiction2013Noida : Om Books117527-11-20141SUM-27823259 N
768Gulliver's Travels Novel4Swift (Jonathan)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz122527-11-20141SUM-27823248 N
769Around the world in eighty days Novel4Verne (Jules)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz122527-11-20141SUM-27823254 N
770Call of the wildNovel4London (Jack)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823252 N
771Oliver TwistNovel4Dickens (Charles)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823246 N
772Beauty and the BeastNovel4Marie & BeaumontFiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823260 N
773Treasure IslandNovel4Stevenson (Robert Louis)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823261 N
774Adventures of Robinson CrusoeNovel4Defoe (Daniel)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823242 N
775HeidiNovel4Spyri (Johanna)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823266 N
776Great Expectations Novel4Dickens (Charles)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823251 N
777Jungle BookNovel4Kipling (Rudyard)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823247 N
778Wuthering HeightsNovel4Bronte (Emily)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823243 N
779Jane EyreNovel4Bronte (Charlotte)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823262 N
780Last of the MohicansNovel4Cooper (James Fenimore)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823257 N
781Three MusketeersNovel4Dumas (Alexandre)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823264 N
782Hound of the BaskervillesNovel4Doyle (Arthur Conan)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz122527-11-20141SUM-27823241 N
783Wizard of OZNovel4Baum (L. Frank)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823267 N
784Adventures of Tom SawyerNovel4Twain (Mark)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823258 N
785War of the WorldsNovel4Wells (H.G)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823245 N
786Tale of two citiesNovel4Dickens (Charles)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823249 N
787King Arthur and the knights of the round tableNovel4Pyle (Howard)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz122527-11-20141SUM-27823256 N
788Pollyanna Novel4Porter (Eleanor H)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823263 N
789Swiss family RobinsonNovel4Wyss (Johann David)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823253 N
790David CopperfieldNovel4Dickens (Charles)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823244 N
791Black beautyNovel4Sewell (Anne)Fiction2013Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823250 N
792Invisible manNovel4Wells (H.G)Fiction2014Noida : Om Kidz117527-11-20141SUM-27823255 N
793One night @ The call centerNovelxBhagat (Chetan)Fiction2014New Delhi : Rupa117627-11-2014xSUM-27823466 N
7942 States : The story of my marriageNovelxBhagat (Chetan)Fiction2015New Delhi : Rupa117627-11-2014xSUM-27823570 N
795Something happened on the wayNovelnot availableMurty (Sudha)Fiction2014 Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-2014xSUM-27823 N
796Grandma's bag of storiesNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2012 Gurgaon : Penguin119927-11-20143SUM-27823464 N
797Gently falls the bakulaNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2008 Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823460 N
798Mother I never knewNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2014 Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823462 N
799House of cardsNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2013 New Delhi : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823459 N
800MahashwetaNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2007Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823458 N
801Dollar bahuNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2007Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823461 N
802Magic drum and other favourite storiesNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2006New Delhi : Penguin119927-11-20143SUM-27823465 N
803Wise and otherwiseNovel5Murty (Sudha)Fiction2006Gurgaon : Penguin125027-11-20143SUM-27823463 N
804English teacherNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought113027-11-20143SUM-27823229 N
805Tiger for MalgudiNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought111527-11-20143SUM-27823239 N
806Vendor of sweetsNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought112527-11-20143SUM-27823238 N
807Grandmother's taleNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2013Chennai : Indian Thought111027-11-20143SUM-27823240 N
808Bachelor of Arts Novel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2013Chennai : Indian Thought111527-11-20143SUM-27823233 N
809Waiting for the MahatmaNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought113027-11-20143SUM-27823236 N
810Painter of signsNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2013Chennai : Indian Thought110527-11-20143SUM-27823231 N
811Malgudi daysNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought114027-11-20143SUM-27823228 N
812Hold my handNovelxDatta (Durjoy)Fiction2013New Delhi : Penguin117527-11-2014xSUM-27823564 N
813Sorry, you are not my typeNovelxNagarkar (Sudeep)Fiction2014Gurgaon : Random115027-11-2014xSUM-27823561 N
814Lage raho Munna bhaiNovel5Mahajan (Aman), Ed.Fiction2010Noida : Om Books1x27-11-20143SUM-27823442 N
815Ajaya : Epic of the Kaurava clan : Roll of the dice Book 1Novel5Neelakantan (Anand)Fiction2013Mumbai : Platinum129927-11-20143SUM-27823446 N
816Ajaya : Epic of the Kaurava clan : Roll of the dice Book 2Novel5Neelakantan (Anand)Fiction2013Mumbai : Platinum129927-11-20143SUM-27823447 N
817Secret wish listNovelxShenoy (Preeti)Fiction2012Chennai : Westland117527-11-2014xSUM-27823569 N
818Together x0Bhown (Ishita)x2013 : General Press114027-11-2014xSUM-27823x
819Inheritance of lossNovel5Desai (Kiran)Fiction2006Gurgaon : Penguin145027-11-20143SUM-27823448 N
820Resonance Novel5AjayFiction2014Chennai : Westland135027-11-20143SUM-27823452 N
821Resonance Novel5AjayFiction2014Chennai : Westland135027-11-20143SUM-27823451 N
822Palace of illusions Novel5Divakaruni (Chitra Banerjee)Fiction2008London : Picador139927-11-20143SUM-27823455 N
823Chanakya's chantNovel5Sanghi (Ashwin)Fiction2010Chennai : Westland125027-11-20143SUM-27823484 N
824Krishna keyNovel5Sanghi (Ashwin)Fiction2012Chennai : Westland125027-11-20143SUM-27823482 N
825Stupendous timetelling superdogNovel4Sankar (Himanjali)Fiction2013Chennai : Duckbill Books119927-11-20144SUM-27823526 N
826SiddharthaNovel4Hesse (Hermann)Fiction2003New Delhi : Rupa129527-11-20144SUM-27823503 N
827Two mothers and other storiesNovel5Mohamed (Khalid)Fiction2012Noida : Om Books129527-11-20143SUM-27823471 N
828Hullabaloo in the Guava OrchardNovel5Desai (Kiran)Fiction1998London : Faber & Faber139927-11-20143SUM-27823449 N
829Bosky's panchatantraNovel3GulzarFiction2014New Delhi : Rupa119527-11-20141SUM-2782329 N
830Shiva Trilogy 3 : Oath of the Vayuputras Novel5AmishFiction2013Chennai : Westland139527-11-20143SUM-27823450 N
831Shiva Trilogy 2 : The secret of the NagasNovel5AmishFiction2012Chennai : Westland129527-11-20143SUM-27823486 N
832World of NagarajNovel5Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought111527-11-20143SUM-27823230 N
833Man - Eater of MalgudiNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought113027-11-20143SUM-27823232 N
834Waiting for the MahatmaNovel4Narayan (R .K)Fiction2014Chennai : Indian Thought113027-11-20143SUM-27823237 N
835Rozabal lineNovel5Sanghi (Ashwin)Fiction2008Chennai : Westland125027-11-20143SUM-27823483 N
836Shadow throneNovel4Raman (Aroon)Fiction2012London : Pan125027-11-20144SUM-27823487 N
837Surprise me gentlemenNovel5Manu (Amitabh)Fiction2013New Delhi : Fingerprint119527-11-20143SUM-27823479 N
838Sacred secretNovel5Kapur (Ravi)Fiction2009Noida : Om125027-11-20143SUM-27823443 N
839Corridor : A graphic novelNovel5Banerjee (Sarnath)Fiction2004New Delhi : Penguin129927-11-20143SUM-27823444 N
840Take me homeNovel5Rashmi (Bansal)Fiction2014Chennai : Westland120027-11-20143SUM-27823468 N
841God is a gamerNovel5Subramanian (Ravi)Fiction2014Gurgaon : Penguin129927-11-20143SUM-27823475 N
842ZombiestanNovel5Dhar (Mainak)Fiction2012Chennai : Duckbill Books119927-11-20143SUM-27823456 N
843Sardarji and other storiesNovel5Abbas (Khwaja Ahmad)Fiction2014Noida : Om129527-11-20143SUM-27823454 N
844Sardarji and other storiesNovel5Abbas (Khwaja Ahmad)Fiction2014Noida : Om129527-11-20143SUM-27823453 N
845I refused to bribe : A stand against corruptionNovel5Sharma (Gireesh)Fiction2013New Delhi : General Press119527-11-20143SUM-27823467 N
846Ramayana Novel5Rajagopalachari Fiction2014Mumbai : Bharatiya Vidya1x27-11-20143SUM-27823481 N
847Mahabharata Novel5Rajagopalachari Fiction2014Mumbai : Bharatiya Vidya119027-11-20143SUM-27823480 N
848Vortal : ShockwaveNovel5Banker (Ashok)Fiction2013Chennai : Duckbill Books122527-11-20143SUM-27823469 N
849LieableNovel5Agarwal (Ishita)Fiction2013Noida : Om119527-11-20143SUM-27823476 N
850Daughter by court orderNovel5Vira (Ratna)Fiction2014New Delhi : Fingerprint129527-11-20143SUM-27823477 N
851NamesakeNovelxLahiri (Jhumpa)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins135027-11-2014xSUM-27823568 N
852Right kind of dogPoetry6Jussawalla (Adil)Fiction2013Chennai : Duckbill Books120027-11-20143SUM-27823 2 P
853Haroun and the sea of storiesNovel5Rushdie (Salman)Fiction1990Gurgaon : Penguin129927-11-20143SUM-27823474 N
854MasterjiNovel5Borker (Puja)Fiction2014Noida : Om122527-11-20143SUM-27823470 N
855Delhi : Anything goesNovel5Kumar (Anita)Fiction2015Noida : Om125027-11-20143SUM-27823478 N
856Stories from modern IndiaNovel3Kohli (Suresh Kohli), Ed.Fiction2013Noida : Om139527-11-20141SUM-2782333 N
857Last warNovel3Deb (Sandipan)Fiction2013London : Pan129927-11-20144SUM-27823556 N
858Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Digest No. 155Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782359 C
859Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Digest No. 131Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782362 C
860Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Double Digest No. 44Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2013Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782360 C
861Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Digest No. 112Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782364 C
862Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Double Digest No. 2Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782365 C
863Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Double Digest No. 7Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782358 C
864Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Digest No. 127Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782363 C
865Tinkle : Where learning meets fun : Double Digest No. 9Comic6Pai (Anant) , Ed.Fiction2014Mumbai : Amar Chitra Katha16027-11-20144SUM-2782356 C
866Vive Le Sleepover Club !Novel4Dami (Narinder)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823206 N
867Merry Christmas Sleepover Club !Novel4Mongredien (Sue)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823212 N
868Sleepover girls go designerNovel4Dhami (Narinder)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823200 N
869Sleepover girls go babysittingNovel4Bates (Angie)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823204 N
870Sleepover club EggstravaganzaNovel4Deals (Ginny)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823207 N
871Sleepover girls go snowboardingNovel4Mongredien (Sue)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823205 N
872Sleepover girls go wild !Novel4Deals (Ginny)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins1$9.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823214 N
873Sleepover girls go detectiveNovel4Catt (Louis)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823199 N
874Sleepover girls on the catwalkNovel4Mongredien (Sue)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823202 N
875Sleepover club BlitzNovel4Bates (Angie)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823210 N
876Sleepover girls go kartingNovel4Dhami (Narinder)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823213 N
877Sleepover club EggstravaganzaNovel4Deals (Ginny)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823209 N
878Sleepover club EggstravaganzaNovel4Deals (Ginny)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823208 N
879Sleepover club goes for goal !Novel4Cummings (Fiona)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823203 N
880Sleepover club vampiresNovel4Cummings (Fiona)Fiction2001London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823215 N
881Sleepover girls on safariNovel4Bates (Angie)Fiction2003London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823216 N
882Sleepover girls go treasure huntingNovel4Mongredien (Sue)Fiction2003London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823217 N
883Sleepover girls go pop !Novel4Read (Lorna)Fiction1997London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823197 N
884Sleepover on Friday 13thNovel4Catt (Louis)Fiction1998London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823198 N
885Sleepover girls at campNovel4Cummings (Fiona)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$7.99 27-11-20143SUM-27823219 N
88624 hour Sleepover clubNovel4Cummings (Fiona)Fiction1997London : Harper Collins1$6.99 27-11-20143SUM-27823221 N
887Sari sleepoverNovel4Dhami (Narinder)Fiction2000London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823211 N
888Sleepover girls on screenNovel4Cummings (Fiona)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823201 N
889Sleepover club at Felicity'sNovel4Impey (Rose)Fiction1997London : Harper Collins1$5.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823220 N
890Sleepover in SpainNovel4Dhami (Narinder)Fiction1998London : Harper Collins1$6.95 27-11-20143SUM-27823218 N
891Tides of memoryNovel3Sheldon (Sidney)Fiction2013London : Harper Collins129927-11-20144SUM-27823551 N
892Chasing tomorrowNovel3Sheldon (Sidney)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins129927-11-20144SUM-27823x
893Windmills of the godsNovel3Sheldon (Sidney)Fiction2013London : Harper Collins129927-11-20144SUM-27823550 N
894Nothing lasts foreverNovel3Sheldon (Sidney)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins129927-11-20144SUM-27823552 N
895Master of the gameNovel3Sheldon (Sidney)Fiction2012London : Harper Collins1£7.9927-11-20143SUM-27823549 N
896Deception pointNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2006New York : Washington square1$16.00 27-11-20142SUM-27823575 N
897Lost symbolNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2010Great Britain : Corgi Books139927-11-20142SUM-27823576 N
898Angels & demonsNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2009Great Britain : Corgi Books139927-11-20142SUM-27823579 N
899Deception pointNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2009Great Britain : Corgi Books139927-11-20142SUM-27823577 N
900Digital fortressNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2009Great Britain : Corgi Books139927-11-20142SUM-27823581 N
901Lost symbolNovel5Brown (Dan)Fiction2009Great Britain : Bantam1£199.0027-11-20142SUM-27823574 N
902Hobbit Novel3Tolkien (J.R.R)Fiction2012London : Harper Collins1$15.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823538 N
903Kane and AbelNovel3Archer (Jeffrey)Fiction2009London : Pan Macmillan1x27-11-20144SUM-27823546 N
904Best kept secretNovel3Archer (Jeffrey)Fiction2013London : Pan Macmillan135027-11-20144SUM-27823545 N
905Be careful what you wish forNovelxArcher (Jeffrey)Fiction2014London : Pan Macmillan139927-11-2014xSUM-27823x
906Eleventh commandmentNovel3Archer (Jeffrey)Fiction1999London : Harper Collins1£6.9927-11-20144SUM-27823547 N
907False impressionNovel3Archer (Jeffrey)Fiction2012London : Pan Macmillan1$19.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823548 N
908One hundred years of solitudeNovel3Marquez (Gabriel Garcia)Fiction1970Gurgaon : Penguin139927-11-20144SUM-27823533 N
909Love in the time of choleraNovel3Marquez (Gabriel Garcia)Fiction1989Gurgaon : Penguin139927-11-20144SUM-27823534 N
910Artemis Fowl and the opal deceptionNovel4Colfer (Eoin)Fiction2011London : Penguin1x27-11-20142SUM-27823299 N
911Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis complexNovel4Colfer (Eoin)Fiction2011London : Penguin1x27-11-20142SUM-27823302 N
912Artemis Fowl and the lost colonyNovel4Colfer (Eoin)Fiction2011London : Penguin1£6.9927-11-20142SUM-27823301 N
913Artemis Fowl and the Arctic incidentNovel4Colfer (Eoin)Fiction2011London : Penguin1x27-11-20142SUM-27823300 N
914Artemis Fowl and the eternity codeNovel4Colfer (Eoin)Fiction2011London : Penguin1x27-11-20142SUM-27823303 N
915FrankensteinNovel4Milligan (Spike)Fiction1997London : Virgin1£9.9927-11-20144SUM-27823495 N
916Crossing over : The stories behind the storiesNovel4Edward (John)Fiction2001New York : Princess Books1$14.95 27-11-20144SUM-27823491 N
917Time riders : Day of the PredatorNovel4Scarrow (Alex)Fiction2010New York : Puffin Books1$12.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823506 N
918Skulduggery pleasantNovel4Landy (Derek)Fiction2007London : Harper Collins1$19.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823488 N
919Easy moneyNovel4Lapidus (Jens)Fiction2012Great Britain : Macmillan1$19.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823489 N
920Classic ghost storiesNovel3Parker (Vic)Fiction2014U K : Miles Kelly1£14.9927-11-20141SUM-2782320 N
921Henna for the Broken - HeartedNovel4Cook (Sharell)Non - Fiction2011Australia : Pan Macmillan149927-11-20144SUM-27823490 N
922Price of guiltNovel4Yorke (Margaret)Fiction1999London : Little, Brown 122527-11-20144SUM-27823496 N
923Crime and punishmentNovel6Dostoevsky (Fyodor)FictionxNoida : Maple122527-11-20142SUM-27823368 N
924Selected short storiesNovel6Twain (Mark)Fiction2014Noida : Maple129527-11-20142SUM-27823359 N
925Greatest works of Rabindranath TagoreNovel6Tagore (Rabindranath )FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823371 N
926Interpretation of dreamsNovel6Freud (Sigmund)FictionxNoida : Maple129527-11-20142SUM-27823365 N
927Little womenNovel6Alcott (Louisa May)Fiction2012New Delhi : Maple112527-11-20142SUM-27823367 N
928Anna KareninaNovel6Tolstoy (Leo)FictionxNoida : Maple129527-11-20142SUM-27823369 N
929Adventures of Huckleberry FinnNovel6Twain (Mark)Fiction2012New Delhi : Maple112527-11-20142SUM-27823362 N
930Greatest works William ShakespeareNovel6Shakespeare (William)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823372 N
931Tales from ShakespeareNovel6Charles & LambFictionxNoida : Maple115027-11-20141SUM-27823395 N
932Selected short storiesNovel6Dickens (Charles)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823358 N
933Selected short storiesNovel6Henry (O.)Fiction2011Noida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823357 N
934Great Expectations Novel6Dickens (Charles)FictionxNoida : Maple119527-11-20142SUM-27823364 N
935Greatest works Virginia WoolfNovel6Woolf (Virginia)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823349 N
936Tale of two citiesNovel6Dickens (Charles)FictionxNew Delhi : Maple117527-11-20142SUM-27823363 N
937Selected works H.G.WellsNovel6Wells (H.G)FictionxNew Delhi : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823355 N
938Oliver TwistNovel6Dickens (Oliver)FictionxNew Delhi : Maple122527-11-2014xSUM-27823x
939Great works of Edgar Allan PoeNovel6Poe (Edgar Allan)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823352 N
940Uncle Tom's cabin Novel4Stowe (Harriet Beecher)Fiction2011Noida : Maple122527-11-20144SUM-27823499 N
941Greatest works of Franz KafkaNovel6Kafka (Franz)FictionxNoida : Maple129527-11-20142SUM-27823350 N
942Counte of Monte CristoNovel6Dumas (Alexandre)FictionxNew Delhi : Maple114527-11-20142SUM-27823360 N
943Greatest works Rudyard KiplingNovel6Kipling (Rudyard)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823353 N
944Selected short storiesNovelxLondon (Jack)FictionxNoida : Maple129527-11-2014xSUM-27823x
945Great works of Leo TolstoyNovel6Tolstoy (Leo)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823351 N
946Selected works of Oscar WildeNovel6Wilde (Oscar)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823356 N
947Greatest works of George Bernard ShawNovel6Shaw (G.B)Fiction2010Noida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823354 N
948CapitalNovel6Marx (Karl)FictionxNoida : Maple134527-11-20142SUM-27823370 N
949Three MusketeersNovel6Pere (Alexandre Dumas)FictionxNoida : Maple125027-11-20142SUM-27823361 N
950TrialNovel6Kafka (Franz)Fiction2008London : Wordsworth142627-11-20143SUM-27823394 N
951Pride and prejudiceNovel6Austen (Jane)Fiction2007London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823388 N
952Complete ghost storiesNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction2009London : Wordsworth1x27-11-20143SUM-27823383 N
953Crime and punishmentNovel6Dostoevsky (Fyodor)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth122527-11-20143SUM-27823379 N
954EmmaNovel6Austen (Jane)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823391 N
955Mansfield parkNovel6Austen (Jane)Fiction2007London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823392 N
956Sense and sensibilityNovel6Austen (Jane)Fiction2007London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823389 N
957PersuasionNovel6Austen (Jane)Fiction2007London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823390 N
958Christmas booksNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction1995London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823381 N
959Oliver TwistNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823384 N
960Great expectations Novel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823385 N
961Tale of two citiesNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction1999London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823382 N
962David CopperfieldNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth118527-11-20143SUM-27823386 N
963King learDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2004London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782202 D
964Merchant of VeniceDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2006London : Wordsworth116527-11-20141SUM-2782206 D
965OthelloDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2001London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782204 D
966Much Ado about nothingDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2003London : Wordsworth110527-11-20141SUM-2782210 D
967Midsummer night's dreamDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2002London : Wordsworth116527-11-20141SUM-2782211 D
968MacbethDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2005London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782212 D
969Romeo and JulietDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2000London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782205 D
970Richard 2Drama6Shakespeare (William)Play2012London : Wordsworth110527-11-20141SUM-2782208 D
971HamletDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2002London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782203 D
972TempestDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2004London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782209 D
973Winter's taleDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2004London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782201 D
974As you like itDrama6Shakespeare (William)Play2013London : Wordsworth110527-11-20141SUM-2782207 D
975Antony and CloepatraDramaxShakespeare (William)Play2006London : Wordsworth111527-11-2014xSUM-27822x
976Wuthering HeightsNovel6Bronte (Emily)Fiction2000London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823393 N
977Old curiosity shopNovel6Dickens (Charles)Fiction2001London : Wordsworth118527-11-20143SUM-27823387 N
978House of the dead & The gamblerNovel6Dostoevsky (Fyodor)Fiction2010London : Wordsworth116527-11-20143SUM-27823380 N
979DevilsNovel6Dostoevsky (Fyodor)Fiction2005London : Wordsworth118527-11-20143SUM-27823378 N
980Karamazov brothersNovel6Dostoevsky (Fyodor)Fiction2010London : Wordsworth118527-11-20143SUM-27823377 N
981Count of Monte CristoNovel6Dumas (Alexandre)Fiction2002London : Wordsworth114527-11-20143SUM-27823376 N
982Great works of Kenneth GrahameNovel6Grahame (Kenneth)Fiction2004Delhi : Black Rose119527-11-20143SUM-27823375 N
983Collected works of Oscar WildeNovel6Wilde (Oscar)Fiction1997London : Wordsworth150427-11-20143SUM-27823374 N
984Color purpleNovel4Walker (Alice)Fiction1986Great Britain : Women's Press1£3.9527-11-20144SUM-27823517 N
985Belshazzar's daughterNovel3Nadel (Barbara)Fiction1999London : Headline1£6.9927-11-20144SUM-27823557 N
986Child insideNovel4Bugler (Suzanne)Fiction2012Great Britain : Pan Books1£7.9927-11-20144SUM-27823514 N
987Rupa book of Great animal stories & Rupa book of shikar storiesNovel3Bond (Ruskin)Fiction2003New Delhi : Rupa1x27-11-20141SUM-2782332 N
988Nineteen eighty - fourNovel4Orwell (George)Fiction2012Noida : Om115027-11-20144SUM-27823502 N
989Dalai Lama's catNovel4Michie (David)Fiction2014New Delhi : Hay House139924-9-201441409244823492 N
990Dreaming stonesNovel4Harrison (Sarah)Fiction2003London : Hodder & Stoughton1£6.9927-11-20144SUM-27823515 N
991Dark homecomingNovel3Lustbader (Eric)Fiction1998London : Harper Collins1£6.9927-11-20144SUM-27823555 N
992Red pyramidNovel3Riordan (Rick)Fiction2010London : Penguin139927-11-20144SUM-27823530 N
993BarracksNovel4McGahern (John)Fiction1963London : Faber & Faber1£6.9927-11-20144SUM-27823509 N
994Little princeNovel3Exupery (Antoine De)Fiction1995London : Wordsworth111527-11-20141SUM-2782360 N
995Facebook phantomNovelxSangi (Suzanne)Fiction2013Chennia : Duckbill Books119927-11-2014xSUM-27823566 N
996Night train at Deoli and other storiesNovel4Bond (Ruskin)Fiction1988Gurgaon : Penguin129927-11-20144SUM-27823524 N
997Tales from IndiaNovel3Kipling (Rudyard)Fiction2013New Delhi : General Press1145.0027-11-20141SUM-2782331 N
998Eye of the Gods 2012 : An awakening of the conscienceNovel4D'Crescenzo (Grazietta Salcedo)Fiction2012Noida : Om Books1295.0027-11-20144SUM-27823513 N
999Heroes of olympus : The house of hadesNovel3Riordan (Rick)Fiction2013London : Puffin Books1£12.9927-11-20144SUM-27823529 N
1000Serpent's shadowNovel3Riordan (Rick)Fiction2012London : Puffin Books1399.0027-11-20144SUM-27823531 N
1001Magnificent 12 : The call book 1Novel4Grant (Michael)Fiction2011Great Britain : Harper Collins1£5.9927-11-20144SUM-27823518 N
1002Percy Jackson and the Greek GodsNovel3Riordan (Rick)Fiction2014London : Puffin Books1£12.9927-11-20144SUM-27823528 N
1003Stranger's childNovel4Hollinghurst (Alan)Fiction2012London : Picador1£8.9927-11-20144SUM-27823522 N
1004Calico JoeNovel3Grisham (John)Fiction2012London : Hodder & Stoughton1350.0027-11-20144SUM-27823559 N
1005Winner stands aloneNovel3Coelho (Paulo)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins1350.0027-11-20144SUM-27823539 N
1006Veronika decides to dieNovel3Coelho (Paulo)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins1350.0027-11-20144SUM-27823542 N
1007Manuscript found in AccraNovel3Coelho (Paulo)Fiction2013London : Harper Collins1299.0027-11-20144SUM-27823540 N
1008Devil & Miss PrymNovel3Coelho (Paulo)Fiction2014London : Harper Collins1325.0027-11-20144SUM-27823543 N
1009Devil wears pradaNovel4Weisberger (Lauren)Fiction2003London : Harper Collins1 £7.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823520 N
1010Amber spyglassNovel4Pullman (Philip)Fiction2001London : Scholastic1 £7.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823523 N
1011Great illustrated classics : DraculaNovel4Stoker (Bram)Fiction2005New York : ABDO1x27-11-20144SUM-27823504 N
1012Rest of the RobotsNovel4Asimov (Isaac)Fiction1997London : Harper Collins1299.0027-11-20144SUM-27823527 N
1013CyclopsNovel3Cussler (Clive)Fiction1987London : Sphere1$9.9527-11-20144SUM-27823554 N
1014When daylight comesNovel3Andrews (Lyn)Fiction2003London : Headline1 £5.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823553 N
1015Orphan AhwakNovel4Rivera (Raquel)Fiction2007Canada : Orca Book1 $8.95 21-8-2012498789823525 N
1016Known turf : Bantering with Bandits and other true talesNovel4Zaidi (Annie)Fiction2010Chennai : Tranquebar1250.0027-11-20144SUM-27823507 N
1017Scary stories for eight year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen),ComFiction1998 London : Macmillan 195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782342 N
1018Parrot in the pepper treeNovel4Stewart (Chris)Fiction2006London : Sort of Books1 £6.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823510 N
1019Animal stories for six year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1999London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782341 N
1020Animal stories for nine year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1999London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782336 N
1021Animal stories for seven year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1998London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782339 N
1022Animal stories for eight year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1998London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782337 N
1023Animal stories for six year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1999London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782340 N
1024Animal stories for eight year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1998London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782338 N
1025Animal stories for nine year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1998London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782335 N
1026Funny stories for seven year oldsNovel3Paiba (Helen)Fiction1998London : Macmillan195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782359 N
1027Great stories for childrenNovel3Bond (Ruskin)Fiction2014New Delhi : Rupa1195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782358 N
1028Adventures of Pilla and pup and other storiesNovel3Anand (Uma)Fiction2015Noida : Om Kidz1195.0027-11-20141SUM-2782334 N
1029Going soloNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782355 N
1030MatildaNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782356 N
1031George's marvellous medicineNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782347 N
1032Giraffe and the pelly and meNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782344 N
1033Esio TrotNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782343 N
1034TwitsNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782348 N
1035Charlie and the chocolate factoryNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782354 N
1036James and the giant peachNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782350 N
1037Danny the champion of the worldNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782351 N
1038WitchesNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782345 N
1039Boy : Tales of childhoodNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782353 N
1040Fantastic Mr FoxNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782357 N
1041B F GNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782352 N
1042Magic fingerNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £5.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782349 N
1043Charlie and the great glass elevatorNovel3Dahl (Roald)Fiction2013Great Britain : Puffin Books1 £6.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782346 N
1044Best of Arabian nightsNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2782312 N
1045365 Folk talesNovel3xFiction2014Noida : Om Kidz1450.0027-11-20141SUM-2782305 N
1046365 Fairy talesNovel3xFiction2014Noida : Om Kidz1450.0027-11-20141SUM-2782303 N
1047365 Stories for boysNovel3xFiction2014Noida : Om Kidz1450.0027-11-20141SUM-2782304 N
1048Short stories from Indian mythologyNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2782317 N
1049Best of gods & demons talesNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2782314 N
1050Tales of wisdom from IndiaNovel3Jain (Divya)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2782307 N
1051Tales from Indian classicsNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2782309 N
1052Best of Vikram - Betal talesNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2782316 N
1053Best of Panchatantra talesNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2782308 N
1054Best of Classic talesNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1225.0027-11-20141SUM-2782313 N
1055Folk tales of IndiaNovel3Mehta (Anurag)Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2782311 N
1056365 Stories and rhymesNovel3xFiction2012China : igloo books1 £12.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782301 N
1057Magic beans : A handful of fairy tales from the storybagNovel3xFiction2011Great Britain : David Fickling Books1 £9.99 27-11-20141SUM-2782319 N
1058Angry riverNovel5Bond (Ruskin)Fiction2013New Delhi : Rupa1150.0027-11-20142SUM-27823594 N
1059Ten classic adventure storiesNovel5xFiction2013Toronto : Scholastic1100.0027-11-20142SUM-27823591 N
1060Adventures of Tom SawyerNovel3Twain (Mark)FictionxNew Delhi : S.Chand1100.0027-11-20141SUM-2782330 N
1061Blue umbrellaNovel5Bond (Ruskin)FictionxNoida : B. Jain1150.0027-11-20142SUM-27823571 N
1062Animal farmNovel5Orwell (George)Fiction1996New York : Signet1 $6.95 27-11-20142SUM-27823596 N
1063Stallion by starlightNovel4Osborne (Mary Pope)Fiction2013New York : Random1 $12.99 27-11-20144SUM-27823497 N
1064Pledge of AllegianceEducation12Kallen (Stuart A.)Education1994Minnesota : Abdo & Daughters1x27-11-20141SUM-2737006 Ed
1065Tales from modern IndiaNovel5Azharuddin,Ed.Fiction2013New Delhi : General Press1140.0027-11-20143SUM-27823457 N
1066My first question and answer bookAmazing Books5Bedoyere (Camilla de la)General Knowledge2014U K : Miles Kelly1 £14.99 27-11-20142SUM-27:08050 A.B
1067Your body : An A -Z from allergies to zitsAmazing Books5Parker (Steve)General Knowledge2005London : A & C Black 1 £8.99 27-11-20142SUM-27:08062 A.B
1068Tell me about Param vir chakra awardees : Indian army stories of courage Vol 1Novel3Vaid (Vaneeta)Non-Fiction2014New Delhi : Nita Mehta1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2782310 N
1069Tell me about ?Amazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2011U K : Chancellor1245.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08046 A.B
1070Over 1000 fantastic factsAmazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2014U K : Miles Kelly1$23.95 27-11-20142SUM-27:08051 A. B
10711000 Questions & answersAmazing Books5Farndon (John) & othersGeneral Knowledge2014U K : Parragon1495.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08048 A.B
1072Tell me where ?Amazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2013U K : Chancellor1245.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08047 A.B
10731001 Garden plants : Tips and ideas for garden loversAmazing Books5Rugullis (Antje)General Knowledge2010U K : Parragon1995.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08013 A.B
1074Guinness world records 2015Amazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2014U K : Guinness1 $20.00 27-11-20141SUM-27:08001 A.B
1075Animals : Facts at your fingertipsAmazing Books5Habib (Nasreen), Ed.General Knowledge2013London : DK1 £12.99 27-11-20141SUM-27:08007 A.B
1076Amazing book of questions answersAmazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2014U K : Parragon1346.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08012 A.B
1077Earth : Facts at your fingertipsAmazing Books5Chaudhary (Neha)General Knowledge2013London : DK1 £12.99 27-11-20141SUM-27:08006 A.B
1078Brain : The complete mind : How it develops, How it works, and How to keep it sharpAmazing Books5Sweeney (Michael S.)Science BookxWashington : National Geographic1 $40.00 27-11-20141SUM-27:08004 A.B
1079Discover the Extreme worldAmazing Books5McGuire (Rosie), Ed.General Knowledge2011Noida : Om Books1 £17.99 27-11-20141SUM-27:08002 A.B
1080Did you know?Amazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2014U K : Parragon1795.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08010 A.B
1081My first encyclopediaAmazing Books5Morris (Neil)Encyclopedia2014U K : Parragon1595.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08011 A.B
1082Top 10 of everything 2013Amazing Books5Ash (Caroline)General Knowledge2012Great Britain : Hamlyn11595.0027-11-20141SUM-27:0803 A.B
1083Life millennium : The 100 most important events & people of the past 1000 yearsAmazing Books5Friedman (Robert)General Knowledge1998New York : Life Books1x27-11-20141SUM-27:0805 A.B
1084365 Science experiments : 'Science was never so much fun!'Amazing Books5xScience Book2014Noida : Om Kidz1450.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08015 A.B
1085365 Wonders of the worldAmazing Books5xGeneral Knowledge2014Noida : Om Kidz1450.0027-11-20141SUM-27:08016 A.B
1086English grammar : An introduction 2nd Ed.English14Collins & HolloEnglish Grammar2010U K :Palgrave Macmillan1x27-11-20142SUM-2742047 Eng
1087Everyman's modern phrase & fableEnglish14Brandreth (Gyles)English Grammar1990London : J.M. Dent1 £7.95 27-11-20142SUM-2742053 Eng
1088Goosebumps : Welcome to camp nightmareNovel4Stine (R.L)Fiction2014New York : Scholastic1150.0027-11-20143SUM-27823161 N
1089You can win : A step-by-step tool for top achievers Misc12Khera (Shiv)Misc2014 London : Bloomslary1399.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1090Ultimate book of knowledge Vol.1Amazing BooksGlass CO'Brien (Derek)General Knowledge2012New Delhi : Rupa1150.0027-11-20146SUM-27:08097 A.B
1091New style english grammar & compositionEnglishxGupta (Archana)English Grammar2010 : Hitaishi1260.0027-11-2014xSUM-27420x
1092High school english grammar & compositionEnglish14Wren & MartinEnglish Grammar2014New Delhi : S.Chand1150.0027-11-20142SUM-2742006 Eng
1093King's communicative english course for class 1XEnglish14Sinha (Sanjay Kumar)English Grammar2013New Delhi : S.Chand1225.0027-11-20142SUM-2742007 Eng
1094How to talk so teens will listen & listen so teens will talkEnglish14Faber & MazlishEnglish Grammar2013London : Piccadilly1295.0027-11-20142SUM-2742052 Eng
1095How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talkEnglish14Faber & MazlishEnglish Grammar2013London : Piccadilly1295.0027-11-20142SUM-2742051 Eng
1096How to talk so kids can learnEnglish14Faber & MazlishEnglish Grammar2013London : Piccadilly1295.0027-11-20142SUM-2742050 Eng
1097Explore folkloreGeography14Trubshaw (Bob)Geography2003Loughborough : Explore Books1 £9.95 27-11-20144SUM-2791039 G
1098Atlas : The world explorerGeography11Saxena (Anjali),Ed.Geography2012New Delhi : S.Chand1140.0027-11-20142SUM-2791046 G
1099Earth systems and ecology Vol.1Geography14Mongillo (John)Geography2004Westport : Greenwood1x27-11-20144SUM-2791009 G
11001001 Inventions that changed the worldScienceGlass CChalloner (Jack),Ed.Science Book2013London : Cassell12295.0027-11-20141SUM-2750041 Sci
11011002 Inventions that changed the worldScienceGlass CChalloner (Jack),Ed.Science Book2013London : Cassell12295.0027-11-20141SUM-2750042 Sci
1102Trees of Delhi : A field guideGeography14Krishen (Pradip)Geography2006London : DK1999.0027-11-20144SUM-2791037 G
1103Butterflies of IndiaGeography14Singh (Arun Pratap)Geography2011Noida : Om Books1x27-11-20144SUM-2791038 G
1104Om field guides : Birds of Northern IndiaGeography14Grimmett & InskippGeography2010Noida : Om Books1 £24.99 27-11-20143SUM-2791040 G
1105Wonder that was India 3rd Ed.History15Basham (A.L)History2004London : Picador1599.0027-11-20144SUM-2790021 Hi
1106Indian economy since independencexxKumar (Arun)x2014 : Vision Books1799.0027-11-2014xSUM-27xx
1107Military history of India and South Asia : From the East India company to the nuclear eraHistory15Marston (Daniel),Ed.History2007Westport : Praeger1x27-11-20144SUM-2790017 Hi
1108Revolutionize your riding : Achieving harmony in movement between horse and riderEducation12Mcbane (Susan)Education2008Newton Abbot : David & Charles1 £19.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737004 Ed.
11096 Steps to a schooled horseEducation12Mcbane (Susan)Education2009Newton Abbot : David & Charles1 £19.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737001 Ed.
1110Destination Noida Geography14Mitra (Shalini)Geography2011Noida : R Coffee13000.0027-11-20144SUM-2791005 G
1111Leveled books (K-8) : Matching texts to readers for effective teachingReference Books14Fountas & PinnellReference Book2006Portsmouth : Heinemann1x27-11-20143SUM-27001 R.B
1112HTET- 2011 : Haryana teacher's eligibility test Paper - ll Class - Vl - Vlll samajik adhyan shiksak ke liyeAmazing BooksGlass CArihantGeneral Knowledge2011New Delhi : Arihant1235.0027-11-20145SUM-27:08063 A.B
1113Right way to play GuitarMusic14Noble (Douglas J)MusicxNew Delhi : Goodwill1 $9.99 27-11-20143SUM-2778001 Mu
1114Same soul many bodiesEducationxWeiss (Brian)Education2014Great Britain : Piatkus Books1375.0027-11-2014xSUM-27370x
1115Through time into healing : How past life regression therapy can heal mind, body and soulEducation12Weiss (Brian)Education2014Great Britain : Piatkus Books1375.0027-11-20141SUM-2737033 Ed
1116Only love is real : The story of soulmates reunitedEducation12Weiss (Brian)Education2014Great Britain : Piatkus Books1375.0027-11-20141SUM-2737034 Ed
1117Many lives, many masters : The true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patientEducation12Weiss (Brian)Education1994Great Britain : Piatkus Books1375.0027-11-20141SUM-2737032 Ed
1118Messages from the masters : Tapping into the power of loveEducation12Weiss (Brian)Education2014Great Britain : Piatkus Books1375.0027-11-20141SUM-2737031 Ed
1119More puzzlesEducation12Devi (Shakuntala)Education2014New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks1115.0027-11-20141SUM-2737044 Ed
1120Puzzles to puzzle youEducation12Devi (Shakuntala)Education2014New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks1100.0027-11-20141SUM-2737042 Ed
1121More puzzlesEducation12Devi (Shakuntala)Education2014New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks1115.0027-11-20141SUM-2737043 Ed
1122Super memory : It can be yoursEducation12Devi (Shakuntala)Education2014New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks1295.0027-11-20141SUM-2737022 Ed
1123Super memory : It can be yoursEducation12Devi (Shakuntala)Education2014New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks1295.0027-11-20141SUM-2737021 Ed
1124Secret : Daily teachingsEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2013London : Simon & Schuster1 £12.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737040 Ed
1125SecretEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2014Bhopal : Manjul1325.0027-11-20141SUM-2737039 Ed
1126Secret : The MagicEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2012London : Simon & Schuster1 £8.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737035 Ed
1127Secret : The PowerEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2010London : Simon & Schuster1 £14.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737037 Ed
1128Secret : The PowerEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2010London : Simon & Schuster1 £14.99 27-11-20141SUM-2737036 Ed
1129SecretEducation12Byrne (Rhonda)Education2014Bhopal : Manjul1750.0027-11-20141SUM-2737041 Ed
1130Secret : To teen powerEducation12Harrington (Paul)Education2009London : Simon & Schuster1499.0027-11-20141SUM-2737038 Ed
1131Quiz book 2014Amazing BooksGlass CO'Brien (Derek)General Knowledge2014New Delhi : Rupa1150.0027-11-20146SUM-27:08098 A.B
1132Quiz book Amazing BooksGlass CO'Brien (Derek)General Knowledge2012New Delhi : Rupa195.0027-11-20146SUM-27:08099 A.B
1133No rules : 21 giant lies about success and how to make it happen nowEducation12Kennedy (Dan S.)Education2000Mumbai : Magna1175.0027-11-20142SUM-2737063 Ed
1134Relativity : The special and the general theoryScienceGlass CEinstein (Albert)Science Book2015New Delhi : General Press1145.0027-11-20141SUM-2750040 Sci
1135Light of AsiaBiography13Arnold (Edwin)Biography2014New Delhi : General Press1145.0027-11-20141SUM-2792032 B
1136Great speeches of Abraham Lincoln Literature14Lincoln (Abraham)English Literature2012New Delhi : General Press1125.0027-11-20143SUM-2782044 L
1137Princess remembers : The memoirs of the maharani of JaipurBiography13Devi (Gayatri)Biography1995New Delhi : Rupa1595.0027-11-20141SUM-2792017 B
1138Story of my experiments with truth : An autobiographyBiography13Gandhi (Mahatma)Autobiography2014New Delhi : Mahaveer1175.0027-11-20142SUM-2792040 B
1139Story of my experiments with truth : An autobiography (Lost)BiographyxGandhi (Mahatma)Autobiography2010Noida : Om Books1295.0027-11-2014xSUM-27920x
1140A . R. Rahman : The spirit of musicBiography13Kabir (Nasreen Munni)Biography2011Noida : Om Books1495.0027-11-20141SUM-2792029 B
1141Michelle Obama : First lady of hopeBiography13Lightfoot (Elizabeth)Biography2009New Delhi : Om Books1295.0027-11-20141SUM-2792019 B
1142Nobel peace prize winner Malala : The crusader of fearless freedomBiography13Bhardwaj & SharmaBiography2015New Delhi : Diamond1125.0027-11-20141SUM-2792027 B
1143Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinBiography13Franklin (Benjamin)Autobiography2014New Delhi : General Press1145.0027-11-20141SUM-2792023 B
1144Long walk to freedom : An autobiography of Nelson MandelaBiography13Mandela (Nelson)Autobiography2010Great Britain : Little, Brown1699.0027-11-20141SUM-2792030 B
1145Scientific Indian : A twenty - first century guide to the world around usScienceGlass CKalam & RajanScience Book2011New Delhi : Penguin1299.0027-11-20141SUM-2750039 Sci
1146Power of a common man : Connecting with consumers the srk wayMisc12Dasgupta (Koral)Misc2014Chennai : Westland1395.0027-11-20141SUM-27xx
1147Story of my life (Lost)xxHelen (Kellers)x2013 : Evergreen1160.0027-11-2014xSUM-27xx
1148Wings of fire : An autobiographyBiography13Kalam (A.P.J. Abdul)Autobiography2014Hyderabad : Universities Press1206.0027-11-20141SUM-2792014 B
1149To dad with love Biography13Roshan (Sunaina)Biography2014Noida : Om Books11396.0027-11-20141SUM-279201 B
1150Sachin Tendulkar : Playing it my way : My autobiographyBiography13Tendulkar (Sachin)Autobiography2014London : Hodder & Stoughton1899.0027-11-20141SUM-279203 B
1151Maruti story : How a public sector company put India on wheelsMisc12Bhargava (R.C)Misc2013Noida : HarperCollins1399.0024-09-201421409244-3311043xx
1152To sir with loveBiography13Braithwaite (E.R.)Autobiography2005London : Vintage1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2792031 B
1153Governance for growth in IndiaMisc12Kalam (A.P.J. Abdul)Misc2014New Delhi : Rupa1195.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1154Am I a Hindu?xxViswanathan (Ed)x1993New Delhi : Rupa1295.0027-11-2014xSUM-27xx
1155India 2020 : A vision for the new millenniumMisc12Kalam (A.P.J. Abdul)Misc1998New Delhi : Penguin1399.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1156Target 3 billionMisc12Kalam & SinghMisc2011New Delhi : Penguin1299.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1157Family and the nation Misc12Mahapragya & KalamMisc2014Noida : HarperCollins1199.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1158Governance for growth in IndiaMisc12Kalam (A.P.J. Abdul)Misc2014New Delhi : Rupa1195.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1159You can sell : Results are rewarded, efforts are notMisc12Khera (Shiv)Misc2014New Delhi : Bloomsburry1299.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1160You can sell : Results are rewarded, efforts are notMisc12Khera (Shiv)Misc2014New Delhi : Bloomsburry1299.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1161Make it or break it : Mantras for a successful careerEducation12Basu (Partha Sarathi)Education2012New Delhi : Penguin1250.0024-09-201421409244-331104537064 Ed
1162Mission India : A vision for Indian youthMisc12Kalam & RajanMisc2005Gurgaon : Penguin1175.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1163Arvind Kejriwal : Dare to fightBiography13Bansal & SharmaBiography2014New Delhi : General Press1145.0027-11-20141SUM-2792034 B
1164Centrestage : Inside the Narendra Modi model of governanceMisc12Mahurkar (Uday)Misc2014Gurgaon : Random1499.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1165Theory of everything : The origin and fate of the universeEducation12Hawking (Stephen W.)Education2009Mumbai : Jaico1199.0027-11-20141SUM-2737020 Ed
1166Moore & us : The rise of Michael Moore and his quest for new world orderMisc12Larner (Jesse)Misc2005UK : Sanctuary1 £15.99 27-11-20142SUM-27xx
1167Achieving business excellence Misc12Rajpal (Pravin)Misc2007New Delhi : Om Books1x27-11-20142SUM-27xx
1168Ignited minds : Unleashing the power within IndiaMisc12Kalam (A.P.J. Abdul)Misc2002Gurgaon : Penguin1199.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
11692014 The election that changed IndiaMisc12Sardesai (Rajdeep)Misc2014Gurgaon : Penguin1599.0027-11-20142SUM-27xx
1170Light on YogaPhysical Education14Iyengar (B K S)Physical Education2014Noida : HarperCollins1499.0027-11-20143SUM-27372.863 Ph Ed.
1171Thomas Titans : Men among boysNovel4Foo (Adeline)Fiction2012Noida : Om Books1195.0027-11-20144SUM-27823508 N
1172Brain boosting : Brain training puzzles & facts to keep your brain youngEducation12Powell (Michael)Education2014U K : Parragon1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2737046 Ed
1173Memory power : Memory - boosting puzzles & facts to improve your memoryEducation12Powell (Michael)Education2014U K : Parragon1250.0027-11-20141SUM-2737045 Ed
1174Silas MarnerNovel4Eliot (George)FictionxNoida : Maple1150.0027-11-20144SUM-27823498 N
1175Black Swan : The impact of the highly improbableNovel4Taleb (Nassim Nicholas)Fiction2010London : Penguin1399.0027-11-20144SUM-27823511 N
1176Paper townsNovel4Green (John)Fiction2008London : Bloomsbury1399.0027-11-20144SUM-27823512 N
1177Animal farm : A fairy storyNovel4Orwell (George)Fiction2015Noida : Om Books199.0027-11-20144SUM-27823500 N
1178Journey to the centre of the earthNovel4Verne (Jules)Fiction2014Noida : Om Books1175.0027-11-20141SUM-27823265 N
1179One hundred years of solitudeNovel3Marquez (Gabriel Garcia)Fiction1970Gurgaon : Penguin1399.0027-11-20144SUM-27823532 N
1180High school English grammar & compositionEnglish14Wren & MartinEnglish Grammar2013New Delhi : S.Chand1215.0027-11-20142SUM-2742008 Eng
1181Diary of a young girlBiography13Frank (Anne)Autobiography2013Noida : Om Books1195.0027-11-20141SUM-2792037 B
1182Diary of a young girlBiography13Frank (Anne)Non-Fiction2001Gurgaon : Penguin1350.0027-11-20141SUM-2792038 B
1183Diary of a young girlBiography13Frank (Anne)Autobiography2014New Delhi : General Press1125.0027-11-20141SUM-2792039 B
1184Five have a mystery to solve (Lost)NovelXBlyton (Enid)Fiction2004London : Hodder Children's Books1150.0027-11-2014xSUM-27xx
1185Illustrated biography of Munshi Prem ChandBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792041 B
1186Illustrated biography of Swami Dayanand SaraswatiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792042 B
1187Illustrated biography of Mother TeresaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792043 B
1188Illustrated biography of Swami VivekanandaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792044 B
1189Illustrated biography of Adolf HitlerBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792045 B
1190Illustrated biography of Indira GandhiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792046 B
1191Illustrated biography of Adolf HitlerBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792047 B
1192Illustrated biography of Winston ChurchillBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792048 B
1193Illustrated biography of Nelson MandelaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792049 B
1194Illustrated biography of Sir Isaac NewtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792050 B
1195Illustrated biography of Mao ZedongBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792051 B
1196Illustrated biography of BuddhaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792052 B
1197Illustrated biography of Jesus ChristBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792053 B
1198Illustrated biography of Dalai LamaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792054 B
1199Illustrated biography of George WashingtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792055 B
1200Illustrated biography of William ShakespeareBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792056 B
1201Illustrated biography of BuddhaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792057 B
1202Illustrated biography of Pandit Jawaharlal NehruBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792058 B
1203Illustrated biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji MaharajBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792059 B
1204Illustrated biography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul KalamBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792060 B
1205Illustrated biography of Sir Isaac NewtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792061 B
1206Illustrated biography of Nelson MandelaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792062 B
1207Illustrated biography of Winston ChurchillBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792063 B
1208Illustrated biography of Rabindra Nath TagoreBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792064 B
1209Illustrated biography of Albert EinsteinBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792065 B
1210Illustrated biography of NapoleonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792066 B
1211Illustrated biography of Abraham LincolnBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792067 B
1212Illustrated biography of Alfred NobelBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792068 B
1213Illustrated biography of Mao ZedongBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792069 B
1214Illustrated biography of Sir Isaac NewtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792070 B
1215Illustrated biography of Winston ChurchillBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792071 B
1216Illustrated biography of Dr. B.R. AmbedkarBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792072 B
1217Illustrated biography of ChankayaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792073 B
1218Illustrated biography of Bill GatesBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792074 B
1219Illustrated biography of George WashingtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792075 B
1220Illustrated biography of Martin Luther King Jr.Biography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-27920101 B
1221Illustrated biography of Rabindra Nath TagoreBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792076 B
1222Illustrated biography of Bill GatesBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792077 B
1223Illustrated biography of Adolf Hitler (Lost)Biography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20141SUM-2792025 B
1224Illustrated biography of Albert EinsteinBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792078 B
1225Illustrated biography of Abraham LincolnBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0027-11-20142SUM-2792079 B
1226Illustrated biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji MaharajBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192080 B
1227Illustrated biography of Karl MarxBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192081 B
1228Illustrated biography of Helen KellerBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192082 B
1229Illustrated biography of George WashingtonBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192083 B
1230Illustrated biography of Pandit Jawaharlal NehruBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192084 B
1231Illustrated biography of Indira GandhiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192085 B
1232Illustrated biography of Dalai LamaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192086 B
1233Illustrated biography of Abraham LincolnBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192087 B
1234Illustrated biography of ChankayaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192088 B
1235Illustrated biography of Mahatma GandhiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192089 B
1236Illustrated biography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul KalamBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192090 B
1237Illustrated biography of Nelson MandelaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192091 B
1238Illustrated biography of Mao ZedongBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192092 B
1239Illustrated biography of Swami VivekanandaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192093 B
1240Illustrated biography of Mother TeresaBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192094 B
1241Illustrated biography of Swami Dayanand SaraswatiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192095 B
1242Illustrated biography of Dr. B.R. AmbedkarBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192096 B
1243Illustrated biography of Munshi Prem ChandBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192097 B
1244Illustrated biography of Mahatma GandhiBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192098 B
1245Illustrated biography of Netaji Subhash Chandra BoseBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-3192099 B
1246Illustrated biography of Netaji Subhash Chandra BoseBiography13Gaur (Puneet), Illustrator.BiographyxNew Delhi : Mannu Graphics170.0029-11-20142SUM-31920100 B
1247Collins easy learning French study dictionaryDictionary14Grandison (Alice), Ed.Reference Book2009Great Britain : Harper Collins1399.00x1x42019 Di
1248Cambridge learner's dictionary 3rd Ed.Dictionary14Woodford (Kate), Ed.Reference Book2011New York : Cambridge1xx1x42016 Di
1249Cambridge learner's dictionary 3rd Ed.Dictionary14Woodford (Kate), Ed.Reference Book2011New York : Cambridge1xx1x42017 Di
1250Cambridge learner's dictionary 3rd Ed.Dictionary14Woodford (Kate), Ed.Reference Book2011New York : Cambridge1xx1x42018 Di
1251Compact Oxford English dictionary 3rd Ed.Dictionary14Soanes (Catherine),Ed.Reference Book2012U K : Oxford1xx1x42022 Di
1252Compact Oxford English dictionary 3rd Ed.Dictionary14Soanes (Catherine),Ed.Reference Book2012U K : Oxford1xx1x42021 Di
1253Ultimate family Visual dictionaryDictionary14Talwar (Saloni), Ed.Reference Book2014London : DK11999.00x1x4202 Di
1254Ultimate family Visual dictionaryDictionary14Talwar (Saloni), Ed.Reference Book2012London : DK11999.00x1x4203 Di
1255Ultimate family Visual dictionaryDictionary14Talwar (Saloni), Ed.Reference Book2012London : DK11999.00x1x4204 Di